The Holy One calls to me this morning. When YHWH created all things, humanity was not the only "beings" He created and breathed life into. At what point in eternity these celestial beings were created is not know through scripture. We know they exist and that they, like us, have a Divine role and position associated with God's purposes.
Lately I have been moved to share testimonies of the lessons I have been taught through Divine intervention. This morning the Lord reminded me of the time He sent 2 angels when I was stuck on the side of the road.
While usually "invisible" to our human eye, once in a while angels might take on the form of a human to assist us when we need help here on earth. Hebrews 1:14 gives a bit of an understanding as to the role the angels play in the everyday lives of believers. "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth (on a mission) to minister for (by, through, or for the sake of) those who will inherit salvation?" Such was Paul's understanding of these celestial beings we call angels.
There are many instances of Adonai's Divine intervention through His angels written about in Scripture but I wanted to share a personal story of my own.
It was a fall evening in California and as the sun was setting, a storm began to sprinkle down rain. I was on the freeway making a last minute rush delivery to a customer and running late. Speeding down the 91 in Riverside heading into Anaheim, I heard a sound like a helicopter over head. Fearing it was the speed police I slowed down and moved from the 4th lane into the 3rd lane. I still heard the sound and moved into the 2nd lane but then realized the noise was coming from my car.
I pulled all the way onto the shoulder shut off the engine and realized I'd had a blowout in my right front tire. Praising the Lord for His protection from loss of control and a worse catastrophe, I got out to see the damage. Sure enough, totally flat right front tire. I know how to change a flat so I got out the jack and tools.
As I was getting those things out of my car, I was praying that the Lord would help me change the tire, but in my fear of someone stopping on the freeway and the potential harm, I also prayed that no one would stop even to help.
I found the spare, and set about to change the tire. Unfortunately, the lug nuts had been put on with a machine and I didn't have the strength to loosen them in order to remove the flat tire. The tension in my heart was welling up as I was late on the rush delivery and no way to finish the tire change. I put my head in my hands and pleaded that the Lord give me the help I needed to get the lug nuts off. I was waiting for a surge of supernatural strength.
Just then, a man appeared out of now where and approached me saying, "You look like you could use some help". I looked around for a car and saw none. I responded that I could use some help getting the lug nuts off the tire. He said he could do that and told me to go into the driver's seat and put on the breaks. I noticed he stood up so I went around the car to where he was standing and looked at the tire. He said "Can you take it from here?" I said "sure, I can change a tire" and with that he walked away and when I turned back around, he was gone and the lug nuts were in the hubcap. Total answer to my prayer.
Scratching my head on that one, I was talking to the Lord and laughing at myself. Next time I will ask for all that I need. Why didn't I ask for the tire to be changed? Many reason I suppose, but next time I will present the complete need to my Heavenly Father.
Just as I am pondering the lesson about asking for more not less, another man walks up to me from the other side of the car and says, "you look like you could use some help". The exact words the first "man" spoke. I looked around and again no car. I responded better this time. "Well, actually I could use some help changing this flat tire."
We were both looking at the lug nuts in the hubcap and I explained someone ese had stopped earlier and removed the lug nuts for me.
He asked if I thought it strange that this man would remove the lug nuts and not change the tire? I laughed at myself and I told him "not when you know how I prayed". He proceeded to change the tire and get me on my way. I noticed he had no car and asked if I could give him money for his help and a ride somewhere? He said "no, I'll just go over there and sit under that tree", which was part of the landscape off the freeway. I drove away marveling as to how the Lord brought not one but two "strangers" to assist me.
That experience taught me a lot about prayer; make it complete to the need you are praying about. About angels; they come in a "variety" of looks and these two looked quite scruffy. About our Heavenly Father; never underestimate the sudden appearance of His Heavenly hosts and their role in helping us in big and small ways.
I know for a fact there are angels in our world and I'm thankful to have them keeping us in all our ways.
The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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