The Holy One calls to me this morning. Infirmity has been an unwelcome presence in our home and stayed longer than we liked. The forest does not respect the rest that is needed and weed sprout up when no one can pluck them out of places where they do not belong.
The Holy One uses all things in my life to teach me ad instruct me in the knowledge of Himself and to help me understand our relationship. Being down in the weed fest of the forest brings up visions of the National Geographic show about earth, post humanity and how vegetation will take over all our habitations.
Being overwhelmed at the view from my back door would be the understatement of the year as I see all the living areas overtaken by undesirable vegetation. Weeds can quickly overgrow a garden and choke out good fruit, much like wrong thinking can despoil righteous works.
I have to admit, I was expecting to hear more about weeds and tares than about a "power" problem. His wisdom begins to impact my thoughts and I realize the Truth behind the statement. At the advent of His first coming, many were looking for a powerful King Messiah, who would rescue them from the power of Rome and establish a kingdom for them here on earth.
God's chosen needed only a powerful King for them to rule and reign on earth. Imagine the disappointment when Jesus was mocked and crucified and did nothing to defend Himself or punish those who impaled him on their death stake.
Luke 23:35, "The people stood watching and the rulers even sneered at Him. He saved others, let Him save Himself if He is the Christ of God, the chosen One". Even the thief on the cross voiced his exceeding disappointment that this "Messiah" wielded no power that he could tap into. Luke 23:39, "One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at Him "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us".
Until Jesus came to show men the Father, God was distant and unapproachable except by a few and not very friendly or relational except to a few. His power was not in question, but His love was.
The power side of humanity wants to have and control the power. There is nothing new under the sun, so as we manage our relationship with our Lord we need to be aware of our flesh lust for power.
We can know God as Father, and we understand Jesus came to save, but with the miraculous model of supernatural power that laced the ministry of the Messiah, we can fall victim to the possibility that a relationship with the Creator might become a power-grab of sorts.
I am sure there were some heady moments when the Lord sent out his disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, and evict demons from their human habitations. Left unchecked, pride can rule our flesh life and make us altogether unfit for any assignment to serve the Holy One.
By His words to me this morning, I know the Holy One wants me to assess myself. I know that He sees things in me that I may not detect and they are often times things about our relationship or my understanding of His being that need correction.
If I love my Lord I will pay attention when he tells me things that may be bothersome or a grief to Him. Rather than defend myself, I must ask Him to show me what He sees.
Back in the day before His first coming, the people were looking for a King Messiah. Instead Jesus came as a suffering one. The cross cut through all their pride in relationship and the thoughts of being on the "winning team". Loyalty to their friend, Jesus, cost them their very lives and so it is for us today.
For those who may be thinking that Christianity is like a "power grab" and that the power of Heaven delegated to the saved means an easy road and constant victory with temporal blessings for the asking, they might need to take another look at the Cross.
One of the clear distinctions our Lord made by His voluntary crucifixion unto death, is that He died to restore a relationship lost; not through human power but through Divine love.
What does the Lord want me to glean out of today's counsel? I see it boils down to a motive check. Do I seek the Lord for what I want or need Him to do? Or do I seek Him for who He is in relationship? The sacred romance can be tainted by a love of power and desire to be on the winning team of this life.
Trials and temptations come hard and fast. Some days I meet the brick wall of silence from Heaven and realize it is shaped like a cross. These are the days when our true motives in following Christ get tested and checked.
Are we captivated by the love of His power or by the power of His love?
I am sure there were some heady moments when the Lord sent out his disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, and evict demons from their human habitations. Left unchecked, pride can rule our flesh life and make us altogether unfit for any assignment to serve the Holy One.
By His words to me this morning, I know the Holy One wants me to assess myself. I know that He sees things in me that I may not detect and they are often times things about our relationship or my understanding of His being that need correction.
If I love my Lord I will pay attention when he tells me things that may be bothersome or a grief to Him. Rather than defend myself, I must ask Him to show me what He sees.
Back in the day before His first coming, the people were looking for a King Messiah. Instead Jesus came as a suffering one. The cross cut through all their pride in relationship and the thoughts of being on the "winning team". Loyalty to their friend, Jesus, cost them their very lives and so it is for us today.
For those who may be thinking that Christianity is like a "power grab" and that the power of Heaven delegated to the saved means an easy road and constant victory with temporal blessings for the asking, they might need to take another look at the Cross.
One of the clear distinctions our Lord made by His voluntary crucifixion unto death, is that He died to restore a relationship lost; not through human power but through Divine love.
What does the Lord want me to glean out of today's counsel? I see it boils down to a motive check. Do I seek the Lord for what I want or need Him to do? Or do I seek Him for who He is in relationship? The sacred romance can be tainted by a love of power and desire to be on the winning team of this life.
Trials and temptations come hard and fast. Some days I meet the brick wall of silence from Heaven and realize it is shaped like a cross. These are the days when our true motives in following Christ get tested and checked.
Are we captivated by the love of His power or by the power of His love?
The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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