"The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?" is the theme I have written about for many years. In this season of great turmoil and the desperate need to hear the voice of our Savior, there is a poignant call to intercede for our nation and the Body of Yeshua. Adonai has taken me to the book of Ezekiel 22:30 expressing the grief of His heart over humanity. "I looked for a man who would stand in the gap (intercede) between the land and My hand so that I would not destroy it, but I found NONE!"
In response, I say "here we are Lord, ready to stand in the gap and intercede"! Show us how to align with Your desires for our land and people.
This blog is now part of the strategy to encourage more Yeshua followers to join in intercession. Our personal relationship with the Holy Spirit of Christ is the very foundation of wisdom, understanding, discernment and discretion in our battle against the darkness that covers the hearts and minds of God's Imagers.
I will be posting from out of my personal prayer journal like in the past but with the updated directive to use our spoken words to speak what we desire to see come to fruition in our nation and the world that touches our lives. God's Word is His will. His Word is the revelation of His ways as He has operated over the course of history. The precedents He established and operated by in the past recorded Biblical history, form the basis of our prayers and proclamations of His operational control in our days. All the mighty "works" Jesus did when He walked this earth were precedents established in the Old Testament. Jesus told us we would do even "greater things" than He did when He walked among His people.
As we "settle" into our intimate relationship with Yeshua, being filled with His Holy Spirit, we can begin to grasp the much more He is willing to do through us. Knowing the Word is how we understand His will and His ways. Taking claim to the precedents of Biblical history and asking Him to reenact them in our day is the way we collaborate and co-govern with Him in our lives. He NEVER changes and He is the same Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Culture and customs and doctrines of men may change but He does not.
I encourage all of us to "inquire" of the Lord. Seek and keep on seeking as He has conveyed to me "I have a lot to say to My people!" May we be like Samuel, "Speak Lord, Your servant is listening". I will be posting and sharing in this bog, things I hear Him saying to me and then how I am led to respond.
Have a blessed day.
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