Monday, March 25, 2024

Time to Re-Read Romans Chapter 13

Back in 2020, we in America got caught up in an extraordinary situation and a move by the Federal government that took us into uncharted territory with the imposition of a lock down, mask mandates, and pressure to take part in an experimental Vaccine.   

As a Follower of Christ and a conservative who greatly respects the rule of law, the steps that the Federal government took to control the citizens were deeply concerning, and the divisions that were created as we were forced to comply with a nationwide shutdown and restriction of our freedoms were unprecedented in my lifetime.  Fear became a motivating factor that determined what side of the great chasm we would ultimately find our stand. 

As a result of the tyranny that was pushed upon us by our own government, we investigated and researched and came to find out that the threat to our freedom was not from without as in past aggression by foreign nations, but rather from within by those we thought we could trust.

I began praying about the rules government imposed upon us, and in listening to some of our Christian leaders, we were pointed us to Romans 13 as the directive for proper submission to "governing authorities". What does it look like to "conscientiously" object to mandates that shut down our protected right to assemble and exercise our religious freedom?  Or make our own decisions to manage our family and health issues amid a plague of questionable origins and sketchy treatment options?

Time has passed and we are more aware now of a concerted effort by world globalist power players to depopulate and move us to a one world government of their order and design. That is a discussion for another day.  Today I wanted to share what I hear from the Lord regarding His Word from Romans 13.

Whenever I have questions about how to respond in a Christian way to the circumstances I am facing in life, I inquire of the Lord.  He says if any of you lack wisdom, ask and it will be given to you.  But once you ask, knowing (trusting) you have it do not doubt and I would say nor 2nd guess yourself. 

With the pressure by some leaders and Christian friends who did not question the government mandates, I wanted to hear directly from Yahweh. 

I found it quite interesting as He directed me to re-read Romans 13.   His revelation and application of that chapter completely flipped the script I had been hearing from some prominent Christian leaders. 

He reminded me that this was written to Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians in Rome. Rome was THE government at the time and submission to Rome was required by the very text of the letter.  Romans 13 spoke of the necessity to submit to the governing authorities.

Then He reminded me that we in America are a "Constitutional Republic".  Who is the government?  America is governed by a constitution and "we the people" are the governing authorities with elected officers who are (supposed) to act in our behalf, not a corporation, not a king, not a dictatorship, not a committee or a department.  

We have well established freedoms that a "department" of unelected officials in 2020 sought to cancel and deprive we the people thereof. We are a collective of States and citizens to whom our elected officials must account and represent the will of the people. 

Freedom is the foundation of our Republic, and self-reliance allows for personal choices to be honored and respected and protected by government, not over-ruled by bureaucrats in an overreach of their self-determined "best interests" of others. 

When I read Romans 13, I realize that these verses apply to nefarious evil actors who have infiltrated, usurped and corrupted the role and constitutionally assigned function of our Great Republic, having become an enemy of we, the people, not a guardian of our system of government.  

Romans 13:1, "Everyone is to obey the governing authorities.  For there is no authority that is not from God, and the existing authorities have been placed where they are by God."

We are One Nation Under God.  The constitution is His ruling authority, based on Biblical freedoms and rules for a peaceful law and order society to function.  The "Federal Government" has the task to defend us from outside threats and inside tyranny (treason) as in the attempt to overthrow our government.   As we discovered, fraud was reportedly found in many of the state's election processes, and yet in violation of constitutional remedies, we were unable to right the wrong or investigate the reports. 

We have endured and seen an invasion of our Republic by foreign actors and allowed by disloyal treasonous politicians.  Yet our republic is still a government by We, the people and under the ruling authority of the One True God who ordained us. It is Yahweh who will restore and reclaim His America. 

Romans 13 says: "whoever resists the authority (We the People) is resisting what God has instituted, and those who resist will bring judgement upon themselves."    It is time for we, the people to rise up and take back the land that Yahweh has given us.  "The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous." Psalm 125:3

"It is not for nothing that the ruler(s) hold the power of the sword, for he is God's servant(s), there is an avenger to punish wrong doers".

Romans 13 is a very encouraging chapter to apply to the government of the USA and to interpret as our (We, the people) right to rule.  We can and must declare it's the "establishment" in America who are the ones resisting authority and it is the "establishment's (by legal or illegitimate means) elected politicians in betrayal of their responsibility to their constituents who elected them that are subject to punishment (judgement) upon themselves.

As we move into the election season 2024, it might be a great time to re-think our privilege and responsibility as We, the People, who, by our vote, are entrusting our nation's future into the hands of our fellow citizens running to represent us in the governmental role of our nation and states. Time to think about the constitutional foundation of our government, designed, and ordained to provide safety, and freedom to live and operate in respect for each other and the rule of law; a time for We, the people, to once again engage and fight for this our One Nation under God, and for our Divinely ordained destiny to go forth again.  Just sayin'!

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him? 



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