Psalm 51 was written by King David after being confronted for his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and plotting the murder of her husband Uriah.
With all the offenses David committed against people in this situation, it is interesting to see his confession to God in 51:4. He said, "against you and you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight."
As I ponder this, the Spirit begins to speak truth. At the very heart and core of our sinful choices and decisions in life, the very origins of the offenses are against the Holy One. Our sin nature is at war with the Holy Nature of our God.
We who live after the death and resurrection of our Savior, no longer have the excuse that even King David did not use. The excuse that we are not able to live according to God's Holy standards is not viable since the Holy Spirit has been sent into the hearts of all who accept Jesus as Savior. His is to be Lord of our lives and that means given the place of preeminence.
His Spirit and life, via the indwelling Holy Spirit is to be allowed to rule over our flesh in Holiness all our days. We are to be Holy because God is Holy and He has sent us His Spirit to enable us to be Holy. In and of ourselves we cannot accomplish this mandated Holiness, but with His Spirit we have no excuse not to live according to His Holiness.
In our relationships for example, we are commanded by Jesus to love and to forgive. In our flesh we may be giving people what they deserve, and that's called justice, but when we give the life of Christ inside us what He does not deserve, that is called sin.
Jesus deserves all our obedience and all our loyalty and when He asks us to love and forgive, and if we refuse or fail, it is truly against Him and Him only that we sin and do what is evil in His sight.
Could this be what King David knew when he wrote those words?
This Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
With all the offenses David committed against people in this situation, it is interesting to see his confession to God in 51:4. He said, "against you and you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight."
As I ponder this, the Spirit begins to speak truth. At the very heart and core of our sinful choices and decisions in life, the very origins of the offenses are against the Holy One. Our sin nature is at war with the Holy Nature of our God.
We who live after the death and resurrection of our Savior, no longer have the excuse that even King David did not use. The excuse that we are not able to live according to God's Holy standards is not viable since the Holy Spirit has been sent into the hearts of all who accept Jesus as Savior. His is to be Lord of our lives and that means given the place of preeminence.
His Spirit and life, via the indwelling Holy Spirit is to be allowed to rule over our flesh in Holiness all our days. We are to be Holy because God is Holy and He has sent us His Spirit to enable us to be Holy. In and of ourselves we cannot accomplish this mandated Holiness, but with His Spirit we have no excuse not to live according to His Holiness.
In our relationships for example, we are commanded by Jesus to love and to forgive. In our flesh we may be giving people what they deserve, and that's called justice, but when we give the life of Christ inside us what He does not deserve, that is called sin.
Jesus deserves all our obedience and all our loyalty and when He asks us to love and forgive, and if we refuse or fail, it is truly against Him and Him only that we sin and do what is evil in His sight.
Could this be what King David knew when he wrote those words?
This Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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