The Spirit calls me today. I am still deep in the wonder of our meetings and the thoughts about miracles sent to glorify the Father and the Son. I am excited by all the possibilities that are now present when the Truth about the Father's love prevails.
The enemy tries to taunt me. He persists in sending gloom and doom to preside over my enthusiasm. I realize this tactic of evil has no real power. Gloom and doom is like dirt on my life lens and can be wiped off at will.
Gloom and doom has no staying power longer than it takes me to recognize that I am looking through dirt and I can get it removed. I confess to my Deliverer that there is dirt on my lens and He makes a speedy clean up of my thoughts.
I praise my Savior for His indwelling Spirit who can change my perspective in a heart beat.
Today's meeting must be really important for the enemy to begin so early trying to cloud my thinking and present his case for unbelief. I focus my mind back to the miracles that are needed and the part we are to play in the manifestations.
The Holy One reminds me again that the ultimate goal in any supernatural intervention by the Lord is to bring Glory to our Heavenly Father. Miracles reveal His true nature of love and His great power and authority.
As our Lord Jesus Christ provided the doorway to the Throne of Heaven, oversees our petitions, and arranges for the answers, The Spirit of truth brings Glory to the Son. Miracles reveal that true access to the Father comes through His only begotten Son of Holiness, Jesus Christ.
As the individual heart surrenders to the rule of the indwelling Holy Spirit, He, the Spirit, is able to manifest His gifts and supernatural answers. Our yieldedness provides the stage for the supernatural and brings Glory to the Holy Spirit. Miracles reveal His indwelling authority through surrendered servants.
What a beautiful picture of a Glorious Trinity in unity. And what an amazing revelation of the part every believer has been given to play if they are willing.
While I am energized by this picture and my heart begins to soar in pride for what I now know, the Spirit levels me with a stark warning:
"Remember this well: All Glory belongs to God. Humans have no claim to God's Glory but many try to steal it." The Glory that belongs to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit cannot be possessed by a human. It is corrupting and does not fit our being. If we attempt to steal it, the end result is disaster and a destroyed life and work.
Isaiah 42:8, "I am the Lord, that is My Name and I will not give My Glory to another."
How many times when wonderful miracles have been sent in answer to prayers and petitions have I leaped onto the stage and tried to steal God's Glory through self-exhalation, thinking or saying, "I prayed.... I asked God.... I said.... I saw."
While I do not take credit for the answer per se, I have made it known or thought in my own heart about the HUGE role I played in it's occurrence.... Like a little child helping to bake cookies by getting flour on the floor says in the end, "Oh look at what I made".
While this may be OK for a child to take credit for what mom did, I must grow up and never allow my pride to steal the Glory from the Sovereign God who would use the miraculous intervention we experience to reveal Himself to His beloved creation.
Our job as Servant of the Most High is to bring all Glory and Honor and Praise and Worship to our beloved Lord who is the Author of all miracles.
An internal reality check would be to admit, the sometimes not so obvious fact of, God's Divinely ordained control in every situation we face. It is His control that brings any intercessor or conduit of His mercy to the place of seeing the need and then, by His Holy Spirit, supplying the faith-filled prayers for whatever God is about to do to reveal Himself in the situation.
The human part is not to "work" but rather to "yield". We are not Creator, Savior, or Healer, but we know Who is all those things. Our job is to make sure that the full and complete Glory is poured out liberally to the One who provides every answer.
Jesus gave us a view of this in John 11:41. He was standing at the tomb of Lazarus, who was dead behind the stone. "So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, "Father I thank You that you have heard Me. You always hear Me but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may know that You have sent Me."
Before Jesus was about to blow every body's human circuits, He wanted to establish the Divine Chain of Glory. When Majesty acts, confusion can overwhelm us and we might become tempted to shut down or run around in ecstasy, be witness to the miraculous event but fail to testify and glorify the one who executed it.
Jesus said that He came to bring Glory to the Father. The Holy Spirit was sent to bring Glory to the Son. And it is our job to bring Glory to all three.
I am brought to humble repentance for all the times my spiritual pride got in the way and tried to steal the glory, even for a second, that belongs to God alone:
The Triune God of all Creation in three part harmony: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To You be all Glory and Honor and Praise and Worship that creation can bring. Be Glorified in and through your servant.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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Humanity's Dominion
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