The Spirit calls me today and as always, there is so much to talk over with Him. Everywhere I look, people need help. Within my family, within my circle of friends, within the Body of Christ, within the nation and around the world. So many are facing impossible circumstances that challenge us to our very core.
I often ponder human frailty in the face of what I consider to be a supernatural war with a supernatural enemy. The Holy One assures me that victories are surely available. I look to the Holy One for miracles because I know that without His Divine intervention, evil would wipe us out forever.
Miracles were what Jesus, the Son of God, called for in answer to the deep needs of those He met during His appearance on Earth in the flesh. Jesus came through human birth into a fallen world where evil has flexed it's controlling muscle since the very beginning of earth time.
What Jesus gave us and left to our humanity was the potential to maintain the victory He won through His own Divine nature. He conquered death, and every evil demonic grip over our lives was broken by His authority. And it is by His authority delegated to His people that we can call for the miraculous answers to the problems we face and expect to see them manifest.
In this supernatural war with a supernatural enemy, the Lord did not leave us as victims or orphans. In John 14:15 Jesus said, "If you love Me, you will obey what I command and I will ask the Father and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him for He lives with you and will be IN you. I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you."
The Holy Spirit dwells within each Believer. For all who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ, the resurrected Lord, the One who died to pay the sin debt for all people, we have the Holy One within.
As I look at the world around me and see all the impossible situations that seem so beyond our human ingenuity and power to fix, the promise of the Savior stand firm. Jesus said in John 14:11, "Believe me when I say I am in the Father and the Father is in Me or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father, and I will do whatever you ask in My name so that the Son may bring Glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything and I will do it."
The promise is remarkable, almost beyond human comprehension. Without the Holy Spirit, I would buckle to the toxic lies of evil that would lead me down the road of faithless unbelief. Evil says, "qualify the promises....the Lord can't possibly mean what he could never expect to do what He did...He is God and you are not" etc, etc, etc. And the lying beat goes on. Soon I find my feet moving to that beat...away from the promises, away from hope, away from faith.
The Holy One speaks assurances that only God can give. The wisdom comes. He gently reminds me that the greater goal in any miraculous answer is the Glory that will come to the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. We receive the answers, the circumstances change and we are blessed but that is not the goal nor the purpose for Divine intervention. We may think humbly that God bends circumstances for our own sake alone, but the truth is that He delivers victorious answers for the sake of His Name, the Name above all Names.
Miracles are the earthly testimonies of the love of our God and Creator flowing to and through our lives. In and of ourselves, we are not worthy of the miraculous answers to our problems here because so many are due to our fallen nature and the supernatural enemy who uses it to defame our Creator.
But as we yield to the authority and wisdom of the Holy One within, we become "eligible" to see and enjoy the supernatural intervention by the Sovereign Hand of our Sovereign God.
The Holy One tells me, "don't get hung up on your "lack of worth" in needing answers to the impossible situations. Focus on the "eligibility" that God is waiting for. The eligibility that I will bring to you: love for and obedience to, Jesus, the Savior of your Soul."
The Holy One within is the only One who can provide us with the love and obedience to the commands of Jesus. He is our Divine Source as the Life of Christ within, and He is waiting for every Believer to yield to His Rule.
As eligible servants of the One True God, the miracles will come, not just once in a while, not just back in the day, and not just as someone else prays. But they will come here and now and everyday into every situation, through every Believer's petition....All to the Glory of our Sovereign and Holy God. Then all the world will see His Hand and feel His Love and believe in the One He sent to save us: Jesus Christ, Messiah and Lord.
Are you in need of a miracle today?
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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