Monday, September 19, 2011

Love Requires Performance

The Spirit calls me this morning. In my personal life, much work had been done in my marriage and the covenant of love has been on my mind a lot. The Spirit calls me this morning and speaks of the covenant between my Lord and I. So today, I take the time to remember the covenant I entered into WITH my Savior when I asked Him to BE my Savior.
I see how a "covenant" is a mutual agreement between 2 (or more) parties. I see how many have failed to grasp the truth, that the covenant relating to our salvation is a mutual agreement between an individual and the Most High God of all Creation. Many have accepted God's end of the covenant but failed to grasp their individual responsibility in the covenant. I see that many do not see the truth that a covenant is a 2 way contract with obligations and privileges from both parties.

Jesus came to die for all mankind, to pay the high cost of sin against a Holy God. But, each one of us must ask that His death and sacrifice be counted as the one paid in our own personal behalf. Someone has to die for the sin of mankind and personally atone for the personal sin of each one of us who ever walked the earth. Each one of must choose to ask that Jesus be our own personal Savior.

Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth and in an outrageous act of love, paid that price for all of us, dying to save each life. God acted out His love for me and I entered into a sacred romance in covenant with Him. Now I must reciprocate acts of love unto my Beloved.

Non believers are not obligated to love God back. They have not yet entered into the sacred romance and Holy Covenant like unto a marriage. But for those of us who have embraced the love of God and accepted the action He took to prove His love, for us, there is an obligation in love, to act out demonstrations of love.

Jesus said, "If you love Me, you will obey My commands" John 14:15. "If you love Me". Jesus is Asking all who love Him to act in a way that reflects our love FOR Him.

The Spirit is saying to me, "What will you do to act out your love for Me?"

Opportunities abound in this fallen world to demonstrate and act out our love for Jesus. Do we consciously perform acts of love for our Beloved? Does the world know we love Jesus by our actions and then do they know that we act in such a way because of our love for Jesus, and not just because we are a "good person"? Is our love relationship glorifying the King of Glory who first loved us?

Sometimes I forget in the day to day struggles touching my life, that my Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, is looking for me to act out my deep love for Him as I respond in this earth realm to earthly challenges. Some are love actions that come easy but some go so deep that I do what I do only because He has asked it of me, and only by His Spirit living within my heart, which is Glorifying to Him not me.

I am very aware as I look around that many have accepted Christ's promise and responsibility in the covenant I.E. He died to pay for their sin, providing the assurance of Heaven as their final destination, but then they fail to take up their personal responsibility and promise in the covenant I.E to proclaim to the world, Jesus as their personal Savior and also to submit and surrender to Him as Lord and Master, in obedience to His commands.

As the day approaches when Jesus will return to earth for His people in all His Glory, maybe it's time to go back and remember the covenant we entered when we first got saved. Maybe it's time to remember our first love and perform those important acts that reflect our love for our "covenant" Savior.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

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