The Spirit calls me even as the enemy's sabres are rattling in my ear. The battle is raging, the victory out of view, and the lies of evil pummel the battlefield of my mind.
He says, "Come away with Me for a while. I want to talk to you about altars and memorials and the importance of remembering what the Lord has already done in your life."
The old testament is full of accounts of altars and memorials to the Lord being built as reminders for the people lest they forget what the Almighty, Sovereign God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has done for His people in times past. Altars of sacrifice, memorial stones along the way, to identify, celebrate and give praise to the Lord for His Divine intervention, rescue, protection, provision, and promises fulfilled.
Gen 8:20, Noah built an altar after exiting the Ark of his deliverance.
Gen 12:7, Abram built an altar after receiving a visit and a promise.
Exodus 17:15, Moses built an altar after a long victorious battle
Judges 6:24, Gideon built an altar after a personal encounter with God's angelic messenger.
Joshua 4:4-9, Joshua, at the Lord's command chose 12 men and 12 stones to be taken out of the Jordan at the place where the Lord parted the waters and the nation of Israel crossed over into the promised land. The twelve stones were to be a lasting memorial to the people of Israel and that future generations would be told how the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord.
As I sit in the quiet of His counsel room, the Spirit takes me back in time to previous personal battles, where I can recall amazing miracles of rescue and deliverance by the mighty hand of my God.
A kaleidoscope of life experiences. Trials represent testimonies and year after year, the Lord has provided a myriad of trials and enabled me to gain a storehouse of memories; altars and memorials in my mind and journals that testify of His love and faithfulness.
Today is a day to sit with the Holy One and remember His miraculous intervention and loving care for my life. As I sit and reflect on the past and ways the Lord has brought me though other desperate times, I find the peace just knowing He will do it again.
The battle rages but my heart has peace. The threats of evil are overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony.
I am thankful that the Holy Spirit knew exactly what I needed today. A walk through some old reminders of His powerful protection and Presence. I am thankful for all those altars and memorials to remember. For unless I can recall those victories in the past, the current battle might just overwhelm me. How gracious of Him to remind me.
The Lord my God has been faithful over all my life. He never changes so I will not be destroyed. Malachi 3:6
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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