The Spirit calls me today. I am so thankful to hear His voice amid and above all the clamor of "what-ifs" that start from the moment my conscious mind wakes up. Much is being taught in the struggles of my life, day by day and situation by situation. I know there are two ways to handle all of life's way and His way.
The "grooming", the "sanctification process", as the Bible calls it, is life long. Allowing the Holy Spirit more and more authority and control over my thinking and doing, is the real battle at it's base. The battlefield is in the mind and I need wisdom.
What lie have I believed about my God? What corrupt perspective has been grasped by the mind still polluted by the fruit of that tree, our ancestors ate from? The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Thinking it of great advantage to be "like" God, knowing good and evil, Adam and Eve got tricked, bamboozled, out slicked. The truth is that in our humanity, our minds were not wired with a reject button when evil presents itself. The reality is that evil somehow tickles our senses, comforts our flesh and fuels a rebellion in our hearts against the good, against the One who designed us for fellowship with Holiness.
But God.......In the design of His Beloved, our Creator, provided each and every one of us with free will. The freedom to choose requires a choice and so it is. We all have a choice to make. We all must choose who we will serve; God or self. For all the "whoopee" about serving the devil, when we rebel against the Holy One, the one we are really serving is self. The enemy doesn't care if we serve him or not, so long as we do not serve God.
Somehow the prospect of self-serving doesn't seem so evil. It seems natural and justifiable. But that is the biggest, baddest hook the enemy uses to keep us in bondage.
Today the Holy One takes me back to where it all started. Gen 3:5, the serpent said to Eve, "For God knows that when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil". Then, "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eye and desirable for gaining wisdom", she ate.
The impact of that original sin has traveled throughout the ages and generations of men, still touching our lives today. Through the Word of God and the testimony of the life, death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, we have been given the privilege and opportunity to re-set our computer and live out a life as before the fall in fellowship and relationship with our Creator God, and, with all the blessings that fellowship with Him brings.
We can live a life where all the wisdom we could ever want or need comes from the Throne of our God through the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
James 1:3 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God". Wisdom holds great appeal to us humans. Wisdom was one of the appeals the devil used to tempt Eve. With the increase of knowledge, we can see the minds of men bending further and further away from our Creator. Empires are being built, "Ziggurates" are in every corner of the world, as monuments to the plans of men living a God-less, self-serving life.
The Holy Spirit stands ready to impart to us the wisdom of a Holy God, but the self serving mind will not hear of it. Wisdom from above puts us in submission not control. Wisdom from above emphasizes the provider not the receiver of such a gift. Wisdom from above brings Glory to God not glory to men.
The Holy Spirit's counsel brings the warning: look to Me and my Word for your wisdom.
In the quiet of the morning, I do look to my Counselor. All the decisions I need to make boil down to the one: to serve the Lord my God or to serve myself; to seek and secure His wisdom and live under His ruling authority or launch out to build my own Ziggurates in rebellion of the One who died for me.
I know full well that my God has an opinion about everything that touches my life. In every situation it is my responsibility in our love relationship to find out what that might be and adjust my thinking accordingly.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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