The Holy Spirit calls to me this morning. Last night I was reminded about the overwhelming Sovereignty of our God, and what He will do to facilitate His plans and purposes in and through our lives. Further, He reminds me of what He is willing to do in such a supernatural way so that we will not doubt where all provision comes from. He tells me, "My provisions are never late and and I will always sponsor My Will. You need to stop striving."
The impossible occurs from an impossible set of circumstances. In God's Will, provisions have been established to meet the need before it is ever known. Such is God's Sovereignty. He is outside of our comprehension and knows the end before the beginning of any and all matters.
God is never late in what He provides and His provisions always arrive at the appropriate time in His Will. Matt 2:7-18 is the account of the Magi coming to the house of the "Christ" child, Jesus. and His mother, Mary and Joseph.
The ancient prophesies spoke of the "Son" of God called out of Egypt. But Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The journey of the Magi must have been long and hard. In the days of our rapid mobility and fast travel from here to there, from place to place, it's hard to remember that their journey was long and their guide was a "star" in the east leading them to an unknown place to worship a newborn King. It has been said that it took years for them to get to their Divine destination. Jesus was no longer an infant, possibly 2 years old when they finally arrived.
With them they brought extravagant and costly gifts suitable to honor the King they were about to meet. Joseph and Mary were humble people, and Joseph was a carpenter by trade. Little did they know about the danger soon to erupt from the murderous rage of King Herod. And little did they know of the need for the provision the Magi were compelled to bring.
Scripture tells us that "when they (the Magi) were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream". He was told to go to Egypt. Joseph immediately obeyed and left for Egypt where they stayed until the death of Herod. Scripture doesn't tell us what the cost of such a trip and duration of a stay might have been, but no doubt that the gifts of the Magi funded it. The Holy One speaks to my heart, reminding me that such provisions accompany all who will but seek the Lord's will.
In my personal life experiences, looking back, I can see the absolute truth to that reminder. Two years ago, I was blessed to be a part of a move of God and received a double portion in my cup.
The plan was to travel to Vanuatu, an island nation in the South Pacific, to witness the finalization of the adoption of one of my grandchildren, and see first hand the mission field one of my sons has worked in for many years. From there I was to travel with him to attend a WYAM DTS where he was to teach in New Caledonia.
Personal resources did not permit such an expensive trip but the Lord sent love gifts though different people to fund His will for me in the situation. It was the desire of my heart to be able to go and meet the people of this beautiful land out of which my granddaughter was to come forth and then to see my "missionary" son operating in his calling.
Weeks before I left, my son called to inform me that the plane scheduled to take us from Vanuatu to new Caledonia had been sold and they were awaiting a replacement. Later on, the new plane was secured by the national airlines, but our travel to New Caledonia was bumped to the next day and would be delayed by 24 hours.
At the time, it was an inconvenience due to his speaking schedule as it put him late on arrival for his teaching slot, but in my heart I reasoned that the time and travel change was from the Lord. Little did we know then of an important detail over the finalization of the adoption that required a 24 hr delay in timing to make it "perfect" in God's economy.
God's plan included that my my son-in-law was to meet the birth father of his soon to be adopted daughter. Due to a legal requirement added on late by the judge to finalize the adoption, my son-in-law and my son had to travel to meet the birth father on a remote island and the only time to get there was the very day we would have been traveling from Vanuatu to New Caledonia were it not for that unexpected sale of the plane and delay it created. The language barrier as well as other custom issues required the help and presence of my son to go with my son-in-law. Without the delay, he would not have been available to assist. Many, many details in God's amazing plan required that 24 hour delay.
The very fact that the Lord would sell a nation's only plane to facilitate His Will for our family is a brain buster, but speaks to His super natural intervention in our lives beyond our ability to fathom.
Provisions made before the need is fully realized and supernatural timing adjustments to put us in the slot of His perfect will, are just examples of the "Being" and actions of our outrageous and indescribable God. If the Lord's Will for us is always so perfectly funded and impeccably timed, why are we not completely, desperately, seeking it for our lives each day instead of striving for our own "will" to be done.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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