Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Vessels of Transport

The Holy One calls me this morning.  The time change makes it easier to rise up energized.  My body clock is already causing activity to my brain, as the wall clock has been moved back one hour.

I wake up thinking about the Lord and Christmas and what His birth represents to those of us who believe.  The Holy One has spoken abut a new season about to unfold.  I am a habit person and cling to the familiar, so any preview of a new season usually has me shaking on my old familiar boots. 

I know the Lord is stretching us, but in the time frame of history we are living, the changes are coming way too fast, which makes our reliance on the Holy Spirit within even more essential and almost desperate lest we get carried off by the flood of dissipation the world is offering.

Thinking about Christmas and the Babe in the manger, our Savior and Sovereign King, my mind is comforted by that familiar setting.  Then the Holy One paints a different picture in my mind.  He shows me the Magi, the star and the vast desert across which they trekked in search of the new born King.  Matt 2

He said, "you are a vessel of transport".  Interesting picture.  "The Magi were on a mission to bring the riches of this world to the Heavenly King, Jesus.   Now you have the riches of Heaven to take to the world.  Will you be My vessel of transport?"

The picture is clear.  Our Lord, though the indwelling Holy Spirit within the hearts of true believers, reaches and touches the world of people.  We have the privilege and responsibility to be His vessels of transport.  Across the street or around the world, every place we go, we take the Holy One with us.  Conversely every place we refuse to go, we withhold the Holy one from touching ground.

Since Jesus left saying, I will never leave you nor forsake you, His position is clear.  But there is our part in this love relationship.  To serve Him we must be willing to push out, be bold, like the Magi.  We must be willing to  follow the star of His will across the desert, taking the riches of God's love into the dry and thirsty places.  The riches of Heaven are ours to share.

Way back in history, the Magi were driven by desire to find and honor the newborn King.  It consumed their lives.  Today we have the wondrous opportunity to be driven to serve and honor the Risen King.  May that focus consume our lives today.

We are vessels of transport.  The question is "are we willing to go?"

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?   


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