Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Power of the Holy Spirit

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  It's a day to be in awe of the  One who calls me.  Because He usually brings Glory for the Father and the Son to my mind, it's odd to stand back and worship the role and Person of the Holy Spirit.  And because He indwells me it's almost like celebrating myself and that cannot be right...right?

Yet today, I am brought to a new awareness of the magnificence of the Holy Spirit and the so often over-looked or under-appreciated magnitude of His Being.

Scripture says that, "In the beginning",  (Genesis1:3), "Now the earth was formless and empty.  Darkness was over the surface of the deep.  And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters".  It goes on to say, "And God said, "let there be light" and there was light".

As I meditate on the Trinity and try  to grasp the unattainable complete picture of a Being so Glorious, men would be incinerated  in His Presence unless He wrapped Himself in flesh.  I can only imagine....what it was like....to be there.....in the beginning.

There is such  a mystery surrounding the "community" that is made up of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  As I think about the 3rd Person of the Trinity and marvel at His possession of my soul...I wonder....

It seems that He is "The Force".  As in "The Force be with you".  He is the One Jesus relied on to bring His "new immortal body" out of the tomb.  And He is the life Force that will bring us out as well for He is the Force behind resurrection life.

That inter-dependency upon each other seems to be the model of what the Lord Jesus called for within His Body, the Church.  Since before Creation manifested a world we know as the Universe, God as the Trinity:  the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were in harmonious unity.  Without beginning and without end, they were a Community beyond our comprehension, and always will be.

Yet They have invited us to enter into fellowship and be united with Them ....All of Them...in complete "unity"....in comm-"unity".

It has been suggested that the Holy Spirit is the One who empowers the spoken Word of God.  He is the Force in the Word, Who gives life to the Word.

As I move through this course of study and into maturity, I realize I have entered the "school of the Holy Spirit".   Upon my own petition and request, He has set about to teach me of His role in the Triune Godhead.

I honor Him and I worship Him.  Jesus came to bring Glory to the Father.  The Spirit came to bring Glory to the Son and now, we, by the power of the indwelling Spirit, can bring Glory to all Three.

I admit to having a flawed perspective of the Holy Spirit at the onset.  My early education did not include a study of His Role or Being.  Misrepresentation and ignorance of Him led me to suppress  even a desire to become acquainted with the One who will give life to my mortal body and raise me from the dead should I die in the flesh before my Lord comes.

I know this is a sentiment shared by a vast majority of the Body of Christ.  Ignorance of this incredible side of the three part Godhead has crippled the Church since He is the Force behind the spoken Word of God.

In John 14, Jesus laid out what was about to happen upon His death and spoke of the One who would empower all who believe in Him: His identity (as God), His Authority (as Sovereign), His love (as Sacrificial).

Jesus spoke of a Comforter and a Counselor, who would come to live "with us and be in us"  He went on in John 15, to give us the picture of Himself as "the Vine" and His disciples AKA you and me, as the branches with  His life force bearing fruit through us. That "Life Force" connecting us to Him is the Holy Spirit.

To say that I have just discovered the tip of the iceberg of incredible things to come, is the understatement of all time.  I have been blessed in the Sacred Romance to learn more about my Beloved Savior & Lord, now I am being led into places where His life and His Spirit can be unleashed.  As in all matters relating to life with the Lord,  it is the surrender of my will that unleashes His Power.

All were born into a fallen world.  The "curse" is the separation from the Creator.  His love could not leave us without a rescue.  He sent Himself in the flesh to die the death that was required to lift the curse and redeem man.  The death of Jesus, restored the order of Creation and brought peace once again between the Creator and the created.

Free will gives all men a choice to be restored to our Creator God or not.  Once the decision is made to go on with God and His Son, Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit is sent to empower the order of Heaven to be manifested through those who have embraced that life with the Creator.

Under the influence and control of the Spirit, we are on assignment here to live in that restored dominion and harmony with the Creator as it was in the Garden before the fall.

The Holy Spirit brings enforcement of God's Divine order through our spoken words.  We do not have the power to change things but He does.  Our Spoken words are His dominion.

Evil understands this better than we do.  The enemy in his cunning strategy has convinced people to speak his agenda and thereby cripple the Holy Spirit's power.   "The power of life and death is in the tongue." 

We quote that scripture yet do not discipline our words. We speak in agreement in the power of evil over the power of our God.  I am called today to repent for all the worthless words I have allowed to pass my lips.  Because they were spoken in times of distress and heartache is no excuse. 

The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever.  The Holy Spirit stands ready to bring my spoken word of God's Word into the earth's realm to the delight of all mankind and the establishment of His order through me.

I celebrate and worship the Holy Spirit.  I delight in this understanding of His role within my being.  I can feel His confidence beginning to surge.

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?


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