Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Words That Change What Is

The Holy one calls to me this morning.  After last night's thunderstorm, His gentle voice is a sweet reminder of His love.  Elijah knew when to exit the cave where he was hiding, and it wasn't during the wind, the earthquake or the fire. 

The Lord spoke in a gentle whisper and when he heard it, Elijah came out to the mouth of the cave.  I Kings 18:11-13

Threats on his life were what sent Elijah into survival escape mode.  I can't say I don't understand how he felt.  Making a stand in the world especially as a Christian, brings forms of persecution that threaten to rock our boat.

Elijah had just executed Jezebel's priests of Baal.  He had just brought forth a challenge to the Nation of Israel, to turn from their idolatry and come back to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In addition to the supernatural proof of God's Sovereignty AKA the fire from Heaven called down by the Prophet, Elijah also heralded the end of a drought, and famine caused by the lack of rain that the people had suffered under a covenant breaking curse. 

I appreciate the entirety of God's Word and while the prophets of old often brought news of impending disasters, I see that for every "curse" there was a "blessing" once the people did a course correction in their lives.  

I appreciate the account of Elijah and even the "fear" recorded here because, if this great man of God could run in fear of a murderous spirit, I realize I am in good company when fear strikes my mind and my heart.

The truth be told, I have a "leg-up" on Elijah.  I have a permanent anchor to God from within.  I have the Holy Spirit who indwells my being.  I am not alone.  His gentle voice wells up from within to speak truth, not from outside my cave.  I can hear Him when I choose to listen, and He always has something important to say.

For a long time, the Holy One has been teaching me deep lessons on changing the rules of engagement in the battles I face in life. The internal process is called Sanctification, but the outward effect is call victory over the darkness.

"Guard your words", the all too often overlooked warning in taking my turf for the Kingdom of Heaven, is the message I have been getting over and over again. The "Voice" is commanding but gentle.  His voice calls me to see that heeding this warning is critical to the victories I so desire.  The strategy hasn't changed over all the generations and skirmishes with the enemy of our soul.

Victory lies within the power of the spoken word.  Not just any spoken word, but the word of the Creator God.  Scripture tells us and it is written that God spoke all things into existence.  We are His workmanship and embedded within our being is the delegated authority He has given man to represent Him and His kingdom on earth and over the earth. 

It is ours to have and take dominion over our circumstances and especially those things not in keeping with the Word of the Creator.

This is information the "enemy" does not want us to have or act upon.  We do have an "enemy" in this earth realm.  His oppressive tactics have worked to keep us in bondage to a power-less neutral state of being. 

We can "see" with our eyes what evil has worked into our circumstances and then resign ourselves to the "evidence" and belief that things are just what they appear to be.  But is that true?   Where does faith for better things enter in... like God's Will...Heaven's Will and when does that become our reality in the earth realm?  How do we begin to change "what is"?

It is imperative that we understand the most devastating thing to our dominion over the earth is when we speak words of agreement with the devil's dominion and control over our lives.

God's Word and His Will is to bless His people.  Jesus came to represent the power of Heaven and the Will of the Father and Creator of all.  Jesus came and over-ruled evil's agenda.  He delivered, He healed, He blessed.  His life and sacrifice changed the dark's dominion over earth. Jesus won and gave dominion back to man.

The Word of His testimony and the power of His blood defeated all the forces of darkness we find coming against us in the world today.  But what are we doing with such an epic legacy?  Somehow it doesn't "look" like I am winning, and I have been asking the Holy One, "why"?

In answer to that wide-open-too-many-reasons-to-explain kind of a question, I am surprised by His response.

"Worthless words" was His reply. "Every time you speak what you see or fear, antagonistic to God's Word and His Benediction over you, you are agreeing with evil and fueling it's power over you."

You mean to tell me that every time I speak what I see is wrong or fear will happen, that it empowers the darkness and its grip over my circumstances?

Hearing my thoughts, The Holy Spirit speaks, "That about sums it up. You have been relinquishing your dominion by your spoken faith in evil's power over your declaration and faith in God's power.  You must speak what you desire not what you fear. The Word of God contains a promise for all you could want or need.  Discipline your spoken words and watch things change".

While I am not fond of "discipline", if I want to see things change, I need to make this vitally important effort to guard my words.

The Lord never forces His will, but since I know that His Will is best, I happily agree to allow Him to govern my tongue.  Since He is my Source, I will listen for and speak out His words that will change what is.

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?



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