Monday, November 24, 2014

A Life Of Purpose**

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  Breakthroughs come as welcome rays of sunshine through the dark clouds of adversity.  For me, some of the "whys" of life help me to process the mysterious purpose of Holiness. 

The circumstances in life are critical to gaining the knowledge of the One who has created and ordained life itself.  These are the days and times when, like Job, I just must declare that things too great for me to comprehend are at work through the mysterious ways of Holiness.

The Holy Spirit takes me to His Word where in Isaiah 55:8-13 He reminds me of the deep divide between His infinite mind and my finite one.  I trust and believe in His Word to me, for in each situation that life can throw at me, there is wisdom to navigate what I encounter.

He starts in Isaiah 55:8 with the reality from His Throne:

"My thoughts and ways are not yours; they are so much higher even as the heavens are higher than the earth."

The next sequence of verses explains in symbolic reference to rain and snow the ultimate purpose for the showers we experience:

To make the earth bud and flourish so that it yields what we humans need: "seed for the sower and bread for the eater".  That symbolism is also a picture of Christ Who is referred to as the Bread of Life, and the Manna in the desert that fed the entire Nation of Israel for 40 years.

God's promise follows that his Word (for our life) goes out and will not return empty but will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose (our food and provision) for which He sends it out.

The knowledge of His Word is essential for our navigation of life circumstances.  God's Word is available, and His promises are a sure thing for those who read and believe.   Due to the statement the Lord gave in Vs 8 that His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours, we can assume that there will be a challenge for us to comprehend what His Word says to us and how to interpret and apply it to the conditions we meet on earth.

This portion of God's Word draws my analytical mind into His Presence to ponder His plans and purpose in what I see in my world.  It occurs to me that in all ways for our life here on earth to be rich, we need to become students of His Word.  

It is His Word that speaks of the Will of our Holy God and His Word that empowers His Will in our lives.  To be ignorant of His Word does not nullify His existence or the value of the His Word's power, but it cripples our ability to know how He intersects with us each and every day and prevents us from tapping into His wisdom and strategy for our victory in life's circumstances.

Isaiah 30:18 says, "Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you. He rises to show you compassion."

Our belief or lack thereof does not alter the reality of His Being.  Our belief or lack thereof only alters our personal understanding and perspective of Him: His power, His authority, His love and His intervention in our world.

This earth, we are told, is not all there is to our existence, since eternity has been written into the hearts of man.  God's Word is alive and practically applicable to every generation.  The key is to draw near to Him for insight as to the symbolism and relevance to our lives that is written on every page.

There is no expiration date on God's Word.  And there is no better day than today to start looking for your life story written therein.   God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

His Word has been given for us to read and realize that while His ways are mysterious and too great for us to comprehend, His love and intervention is personal and specific to us and our individual needs.  Life is not a roll of the dice, but an intricate tapestry of Divine origin and purpose.  But in order to find the life of purpose He created us to live, we must first look for and find Him.

 Isaiah 55:6, "Seek the Lord while He may be found.  Call on Him while He is near".

Regarding the things of the world, ignorance may be bliss, but when it comes to the Word of God, ignorance is lethal to a life of purpose.

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?  



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