Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Principle of Binding And Loosing

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  The battle rages and I cannot wait to get up and join my Captain who leads in this war against the evil one.  The earth is under a dark cloud of wickedness that spews out of a hellish place of pain and sorrow targeting God's beloved humanity. 

Every day the "battle" affects us in many ways.  There is no way to escape it and to ignore it just means that we lose ground and never really understand why.  People see life in different ways.  For some it is a race, for others it is a puzzle, but for me it is an epic battle that is to be fought for my Kingdom and my King.

No matter how you view life, there is an antagonist who will provide resistance to you reaching your goals.  If you are a runner, there is a mysterious dark force that will try to make you stumble in the race.  If you are a puzzle working person in life, there is a vicious contender who hides important pieces of your puzzle to frustrate your work.  And for the warrior minded person there is resistance from demonic enemies who oppose our advance of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth's battlefield.

Understanding this aspect of the unseen world enables us to press on and hopefully will cause us to seek the One who controls the universe He created and the earth He gave us humans to manage. 

Today the Holy Spirit takes me back to a lesson of long ago but to add a deeper level of understanding that I can now comprehend.  As I press in to listen He speaks to my mind, " Binding and loosing involves repentance and forgiveness".   A noticeable silence fills the air.  What is my Lord trying to show me?

Over the course of my life and while being groomed with a warrior mindset, the lessons I have been taught deal with the armour and weapons I have been given with which to fight in the battle I see raging all around me.  I go back to the words of Jesus in the gospel of Matthew, where He was revealing to Peter his up and coming commission to establish the Church of the living God whose foundation is the Lord Himself. 

The Lord gave Peter the commission in part because Peter was the first person to see and acknowledge Jesus for Who He is  Peter said,  "You are Christ, the Son of the living God".  In Matt 16:16, Jesus went on to say to Peter, "I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven".  Interesting that the Lord did not say,  "I will give you the keys TO the Kingdom of Heaven".  Keys "of" suggest a set of principles that unlocks a mystery and provides understanding of the Kingdom and how it operates not just gaining personal entry.

Jesus follows with "whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, whatever you loose on earth with be loosed in heaven".  Warrior minded people have always applied the principle when dealing with the demonic forces or the "strongman" aka the devil we see active in the temporal world we inhabit.  We set our sights on those dark beings we see impacting the lives and circumstances we meet along the pathways of our life.  We know we have a Divinely delegated authority and we set about to use it to battle against the darkness.

The Lord has given us a sword with which to do battle but we must understand it is "double edged".  While I have used my sword in combat and taken up the side against evil that does bind demonic forces and loose Heavenly mercies,  today the Holy One calls me to understand and use the other side of His sword and let it work on me. 

He has told me that when I repent for the things that are at cross purpose to His Will, those things are effectively bound.  When I choose to forgive those who despitefully use me, God's grace is effectively loosed.  My internal world is then set straight so that my external world can see Holiness, as I go about binding the darkness that has taken up residency on the turf that belongs to me by Divine decree and loosing Heaven's light out over the land.

The keys of the Kingdom of Heaven are those principles that govern it and are so opposite to the ones that rule our flesh.  We know that we must die to live and give to gain and today, I can add that we must repent and forgive to the list of mysterious opposites that enable us to battle in victory, run the race in even stridden power to the goal and get the pieces back from those who have taken some important parts of our puzzle.

The Lord has said that the "meek" shall inherit the earth.  Meek by definition does not mean weak, rather it suggests power under control as in a powerful horse under the control of it's rider.  Meek by definition is a surrender of the innate power within and results in a mild and gentle outward expression. 

The binding and loosing through repentance and forgiveness,  allows the Holy Spirit to harness the real power that lies within us.  That power under His ruling authority enables us to make a stand against the evil in the world, love where we find hate and fulfill God's eternal and sovereign purpose in our lives.

This morning, I am so thankful to the Holy One for giving me a different perspective of an eternal truth.

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him? 


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