Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Untold Story***

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  If we are to believe everything we hear from those whose job it is to bring us the "news" of the day, all is lost and there is no hope for any of us.

Being the mom and grand mom of military soldiers and missionaries (who are in the spirit one and the same),  I have come to know that, in this world of life and death drama, things are not always how they appear and the chosen narrative spoken by the world is rarely the Truth.

For those of us in the trenches of the battle for the souls of men, discouragement is something to be refused even if reports on the ground focus on the ancient tribal wars that we do not comprehend.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and the Gospel demands that each and every one of us hear it and chose personally whether or not to accept it.  The Holy One brings His assurance, "I am the same yesterday, today and forever.  My purpose will stand and will be accomplished". 

God's purposes can be misunderstood and His reputation defamed unless we come to terms with His Word about Himself that tell us that His thoughts and ways are higher than humanity can grasp. Isaiah 55:8-9.   It is important in our relationship to give God the benefit of every doubt that the enemy brings to mind.

As we look from afar, we can begin to doubt that any good thing could come out of the inferno that the Middle East has become in just a few short months.  I want my Lord to walk me through these dangerous sounding reports and see things from His perspective. 

In light of eternity all things look different.  The light of eternity suddenly shines on this place of chaos and confusion in my mind and I can begin to see things that have been hidden before. 

We are made privy to the Lord's battle strategy and the untold story as conveyed by some of His generals on the front lines.  They report that while warring factions are engaged in a bloody battle for power and control of the temporal turf and people who inhabit it, vast numbers of people are coming into the Kingdom of Heaven on a daily basis.  Turning to Jesus for salvation is the door of hope many generational "Muslims" are choosing as the alternative to the despair that the war and their ancient religion has brought

The threat of persecution unto the death does not mean so much to those who acknowledge that they were dead before Salvation came to their souls, and Jesus followers in the Middle East are willing to die for the Prince of Peace they have finally found.

The Gospel is like no other good news ever told or offered.  The Middle East is a field ripe unto harvest and the laborers are few.  Today is the day to "ask the Lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into the harvest field."  Matt 9:37

The untold story of a powerful move by the Holy One in a land I might be tempted to give up on as hopelessly lost for all eternity causes energy for praying to surge from my place in the trenches. Even reports of the rise of what seems to be a brutal power (s) in the region is only serving to expose the truth about the religion and its hate filled tenets among those who have generationally accepted and been programed by its abusive authority.

The network of Jesus followers in the world of men is vast.  We all have a part to play and must never lose confidence that our part is too small or insignificant to make a difference.  We as Believers are all called and commissioned at this time in the history of the world and man to apply our energy and strength into the Lord's harvest field whether on the front lines or from the trenches. We are to use both hands and all the weapons we have to both build and defend; to sow, water and reap as the opportunities arise

The untold story that the world has missed is the greatest story ever told.  God loves humanity and sent His Son, Jesus to rescue us. We were created and through the death of Jesus, we have been saved for a personal relationship with the One who has given each one of us the breath of life.

Today, I am thankful and encouraged to put my voice with brothers and sisters around the world who are asking the Lord of the harvest for all that is needed to reap from the fields the souls of people ready to be brought into the Kingdom of Heaven.  

While the news reports of the gloom and doom of a worldly perspective,  I  know and trust that God is on the move through the untold story of the eternal harvest being written anew every day.  We all can be a participant in His move with the part we have been given to play.

The time is now.  The fields are ripe.

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?           



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