Monday, February 15, 2016

Divine Potential In Our Everyday World***

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  Out of the early morning darkness comes His light.

“Miracles are just a little picture of Heaven’s good-will on earth.  Open your eyes to all the Divine potential around you”.

I understand from past lessons taught by the Holy Spirit that the spoken word has great power over the things in this earthly life.  He has taken me over and over to the words of the Lord Jesus in John 14:12:  “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”
When Jesus, the Son of God invaded the earth that He created, lives were changed in dramatic ways.  People saw the impossible things worked into a grand and glorious picture of help that truly reflects the loving Father Heart of God. 

What parent does not want the absolute best for their child?  Jesus who was God in the flesh came to show us a better life potential here and an even better one once we leave the shackles of our earth-bound existence.
To gain it all requires faith, a belief that Jesus is who He said He is and to embrace the truth of His message.  Supernatural signs and wonders were the proof He brought to identify Himself as God’s one and only Son.
John 14:11, “Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake."
John 14:13 “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son”.
John 2:23, “Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.”
It is quite apparent that the miracles were not just to relieve the suffering of the people in that day.  And while Jesus healed everyone who crossed His path, His path did not cross all who were infirmed.  He delegated His authority to His followers and we are counted among those to whom He delegated the power to change circumstances as people come to cross our path. 
Today is yet another reminder to look at the Divine potential for miracles in what I see in the world that touches my life.  It is also important to understand the Lord’s life and what message the miracles were intended to convey.

Looking back and in regard to the working of miracles in our day, the purpose for them has not changed.  Each is designed to draw us to believe in the One  True God and bring Him glory and also to believe in the One He sent. Jesus came to show us the way "home" and back into a personal relationship with the One who created us.  

Consider the “works” that Jesus did were otherwise defined as a sign, mark, or token; 
Miracles and wonders by which God authenticates the men sent by him, or by which men prove that the cause they are pleading is God's.

A sign, prodigy, portent, i.e. an unusual occurrence, transcending the common course of nature.

God delivers supernatural interventions to give proof of His Presence and the affirmation that the one petitioning is sent by Him and for His cause.
Miracles glorify the Presence of God the Father in our lives and are the proof that Jesus is Who He said He is.  We are to petition for and participate in bringing down miraculous intervention so God, the Father, may be glorified and that Jesus Christ of Nazareth may be honored as the Savior Son sent by God. 

The Gospel is the good news that God has reached out to His Creation and made a peace offering for man to be restored in a personal relationship with Him.  Miracles of Divine intervention authenticate that we are sent and that our message is truth.  Prayer is the method of delivery that God has chosen to bring His Will to earth.  All answers to prayer are indeed miraculous.    

But for every promise there is a warning and Jesus spoke a warning for those of us living in end times regarding signs and wonders.   In Matt 24:24 Jesus said, “For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.  See, I have told you beforehand.”
A false Christ will not have the proper credentials of the True Christ.  A false prophet will not have the proper credentials of a true prophet of God.  It is up to us to check for proper credentials before we believe even the signs and wonders we may “see”.

As a prayer “activist” I realize that while words carry power, a Divine word is unstoppable to bring God’s Will to the situations we encounter on earth.  The difference between the two is origin.  By the indwelling Holy Spirit, we are designated ambassadors of Heaven’s King Jesus and we have been given the authority to do mighty works in His Name.  By the indwelling Holy Spirit, we know truth and under His ruling authority we are enabled and actually called to speak it. 

I understand what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell me.  Divine potential abounds with every situation that touches our lives because God has His purpose associated therein.  Nothing is random in God’s economy.  All things are designed to teach us that our “best” comes from the Creator and there is more to life than what we see at first glance.
As I look at the life of our Lord and the miracles that flowed through Him, I realize that compassion seemed to be the motivation for those super-natural events we call “miracles”.

Jesus saw humanity through loving compassionate eyes and was moved to take action.  He saw people as “sheep without a shepherd” and sheep in the Mediterranean sense were completely helpless and vulnerable without a shepherd.  Jesus heart was moved by the heart breaking condition brought by sin and what humanity was facing in a fallen earth.
Miracles were the visible evidence of our invisible God and Jesus told us first to believe on the “evidence” of the miracles even if people were disinclined to believe in His words.  Then we are to go on to do what He did and even greater things in order to bring Glory and honor to our Father God.

I need to ask myself:  Am I ASKING for Divine intervention into the world of hurt around me?  And if so, am I asking according to that same ultimate purpose; that God the Father be glorified and the people affected be brought to believe in our message of His love? 
“Ask and you will receive; You do not receive because you do not ask and when you do, you ask amiss that you may spend it on your pleasures.”  James 4:3
Here I find the all-important motive check that can be my undoing:  Is my motivation a self-exalting pride that I be seen as one who can move the hand of God or worse, take claim as one who has the power in and of myself to work the miracle?  Or is my motivation as that of a humble child who is excited to say “That’s from my Father” and encourage all to praise His Holy Name?
Divine intervention was surely needed and miracles flowed out from the compassion of the Creator for His created.  I believe the purpose for super-natural intervention is to let us, in the natural world, look past the temporal to find our eternal and super-natural Heavenly Father; the fact of His being and the evidence of His love.  

When Jesus waked among His created, He was the conduit between Heaven and earth who brought the true representation of God’s love to this world.  

The Holy Spirit has taught and brought many things to my mind this morning:
Human need brings up Divine Potential and prayer invites God's Hand to move. 
Compassion for those suffering opens the door for miracles.

Beware of those with false credentials.

Check my personal motives against God’s Word and His Will.

I am on a learning curve and so thankful that my indwelling Counselor is on board to lead me into all truth.  Now I can look around for all the Divine potential and work with my Lord to bring Heaven’s good-will to earth.
The Spirit is Calling.  Can you hear Him? 


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