Friday, February 19, 2016

Divine Purpose In Human Weakness***

The Holy One calls to me this morning. I have taken some hits lately from the unseen enemy in the Kingdom battle that rages.  It leads me to question where is my shield?

I have learned over the years that perspective is key to processing events that befall me and those I love.  When things make no sense from my point of view, I know I need to stop and say to myself, “It’s time to get God’s perspective on this problem”.
Self-pity taunts me and challenges me to look at the “damage” to my tidy little life that I have to confess is outside of my control. The Holy One speaks to the question that is like a dead weight and has stopped my forward motion:

“When evil assaults and inflicts pain, it’s not any failure of your shield, but I want you to see that I will heal the damage if I do not protect you from the arrow.”
I am confident that each and every one of us is born under a Divine benediction and with a purpose ordained by our Creator.  It is the Father’s will that we find and flourish in that purpose so that He will be glorified not only to those of us on earth but also to all the unseen witnesses in the Heavenly realm.  
Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a loud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the Cross, despising its shame and has sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God”.
This is my answer and whether I am protected from the assault or healed through it, the bottom line is that I am OK and God is always in control of my life even as I am not. 
Sometimes I forget that while I am being asked to trust God, He has the greater challenge in that He placed His trust in me to be His faithful witness and in that way justify His great wisdom in the creation of mortal men with an eternal soul who seem to constantly fail Him. 
Here is where I see that even in my abysmal weakness there is Divine purpose.  Once we get saved and our eternal destination is determined, the process of sanctification begins.  That is a word that explains all the challenges we face as Godly people in an ungodly world. 
We are being transformed from fleshly carnality to an acceptable state of Holy made possible only by the indwelling Spirit of Christ Jesus Himself AKA The Holy Spirit. 
If I lose sight of the bigger picture and greater goal, I might falter in the race set before me.  This is why we are called to persevere.  We are not fit in our flesh to rule and reign with Christ in the eternal Kingdom to come.  We learn to rule as we submit to the Throne of the rule maker and His Indwelling Holy Spirit.
“Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles us.”  For me that sin and weight is the self- pity the enemy has thrown up in my face and tried to use to weigh me down.  Evil will throw all kinds of garbage at me from the sidelines just to trip me up.  The way to get past his taunting is to listen to the Holy Spirit and focus on Jesus who endured more pain than I ever will and is cheering me on from His Heavenly Throne.
One day all who call Him “Lord” will reach the end of the race and celebrate together with Him the victories we found and that He provided all along the way.
Until then we are to press on and do all we can to bring Glory to our Father who is in Heaven by fulfilling His purpose for us on earth.  I am thankful for His wise counsel. 
Today, I can be sure that He has Divine purpose in my human weakness and I will keep going as He works it out.   
The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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