Monday, February 29, 2016

The Discipline And Benefit of Fasting

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  I have to begin without my early morning shot of caffeine because today is a day to fast.

I try to hide my head under the pillow and go back to sleep but the Holy Spirit insists that I get up: “Understand why I call you to fast.  I want you to be in control of your flesh so you can receive more of my wisdom, which is more truth”.
Jesus fasted.  As I ponder His command and model, the why of it leads me to understand how my flesh dictates can over-rule Divine input.  Flesh control leads to flesh pampering and flesh pampering leads to a carnal lifestyle. 
Paul said in I Corinthians 9:27 that he beats up his body to make it his slave.  It is interesting to note that in our days of mega information about health, we learn that fasting has a health benefit as well as a spiritual one as modelled by our Lord
Reading about the life of Jesus when He walked the earth reveals that fasting was His regular routine.  We associate fasting mostly to His word to the Disciples when they tried and failed to exorcize a demon out of a young boy. 
After He rebukes them for their unbelief and talks about the faith of a mustard seed that can move mountains, He said in Matt 17:21, “However this kind does not come out without prayer and fasting.”
A closer look for me is to see that fasting in some mysterious way, takes us into the place of Divine wisdom to understand how to co-operate with the move of God in the situations we face in our world. 
A recall of the life in the Garden before the fall reminds me that man was created to co-labor with God in the government (tending) of His created world.   For that we need a relationship with the Creator to gain His wisdom in the management of our lives. This is why we need to get past our human minds now tainted by the toxic fruit of “human” knowledge of good and evil and into the place of Divine wisdom from the One who knows all things.
The Holy Spirit continues to show me truth:
The Disciples did not know that the unbelief of the father was at least in part the cause of the demonic control of the child.  Jesus told them that this kind of demonic influence would not be obliterated without prayer and fasting on their part.  Straight up, they needed Divine wisdom to set the boy and his father free.
As I look over the principle of prayer and fasting it seems they both go together and appear in example by Godly people seeking Godly wisdom.  It requires a personal discipline by the “fast-ee” to give something up to gain something better.  That something better for me is “Divine wisdom” to process and re-act to the challenges that our Heavenly kingdom battle against evil forces presents.
There are all kinds of excuses our flesh will deliver and we will accept as reasons not to fast.  But by capitulating to our flesh, I believe we miss out on great things that might empower us in the realm of the spirit where God initiates His moves.
A fasting discipline can begin slow and low but must start with the thought of consistency and getting stronger as we see and feel the benefits in body and spirit.  And in truth, we must be prepared with patience to wait upon the Lord as we fast. Just as a body builder does not see the results of their discipline in the first hour of training, I must be diligent and not give up.
My experience is that at first my stomach growls at me and makes me miserable.  If that doesn’t work, my head starts to hurt and reminds me that the physical pain will subside if I just drink a cup of my beloved coffee or eat some sugar. 
If that doesn’t draw me out of the discipline, then the “liar” starts his round of assaults mocking my efforts as stupid or futile and pointless.  Then comes the threat and danger to my health that such risky behavior will surely bring.   Subtle whispers in my ear trying to get me to cave.
Then all that mumbo-jumbo leaves and impatience begins to set in.  I want to see an immediate result for my huge “sacrifice”, in the form of an instant Divine word or resolution to the vexing situation I am dealing with.
If the missed meal whether one or many doesn’t translate to a major change or event, the previous lies become even more believable and I am tempted to confess, “This fasting thing just doesn’t work for me”.
The question I ask myself is whether the fast has drawn me into the Lord’s presence and whether my perspective has been changed or affirmed. The real spiritual purpose I find to the discipline of regular fasting is to draw closer to the Father Heart of God, to hear His voice more clearly and to grasp His purpose more willingly.  The good will of Heaven is in our eternal best interest and not necessarily our temporal pleasure.
Fasting takes me past flesh considerations for the time to seek the Father’s will just as Jesus told us to do.  Fasting is a way we crucify our flesh and surrender it to the ruling authority of the Holy Spirit.  The benefits of fasting far outweigh the pain of missing a meal. 
I have questioned the real purpose of fasting over the years.  I have come to many thoughts and drawn many conclusions   The highway of Holiness provides many way stations of refreshment as we navigate the ups and downs of life.  Spiritual maturity is a process and not, I might add, a fast one. 
Today the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to the fact that fasting is an act of obedience and shown me the importance and relationship fasting is to gaining His wisdom.  In this chaotic world that seems to be under a blanket of dark deception, the truth and wisdom of God is not something we dare be caught without.
The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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