The Holy Spirit calls to me this morning. He provokes me to think, as He poses the question "what does it mean to be a Disciple of Christ? What does it mean to disciple another?"
I was taken back to the days revealed through the Scriptures when Jesus called the twelve. He chose them and then said, "Follow Me". The Holy One continues to speak, "Imagine what would have happened if Jesus just told them, "I am your Messiah, know this....I am going to take you to the river, get you wet and then I want you to go out and tell others what I just told you." How much of the world would have been changed with that form of evangelism?"
Jesus chose the twelve, then lived with them, ate with them, and revealed His power and authority to them personally in relationship. For 3 years He lived with them for 24/7. His method of making disciples was to bring them into His life. He opened the doors of His daily existence and invited them in to see and participate.
Jesus showed the disciples by way of example what a relationship with God, is to be like. His relationship to His Heavenly Father and with each one of them set the standard for our relational responsibility to Him and to others in our world today. Jesus did not have a one hour encounter with the 12 individuals and tell them to go out and proclaim Him as God. But isn't that what our modern day evangelism looks like?
In this fast paced world, we have been diverted from the Lord's methodology for changing it one life at a time. Mass evangelism through crusades may bring a man to conversion of the mind, but most on the fields are left with a momentary exhilarating or heart breaking experience with no clue about the depths of a relationship to be had, with the One they just heard loves them so much, or where to go from there.
With no one to disciple them, to come along side of them, to teach and share Truth or invite them to share their new "saved" life and all it represents, new "believers" are at risk of returning to their old life but with a false sense of security for having been "saved" and told they will now go to heaven when they die.
Some find their way to a church, but did that "experience" make a life changing, course changing difference? Maybe it would be better to have more retreats and less crusades, more saturated time spent in learning what the commitment entails and how to process their internal changes.
When it comes to discipleship, the apathy of the "saved" is shocking. The inconvenience and fear of bringing strangers into our lives is inexcusable. The Holy One knows I am guilty as charged. How many opportunities did I reject over all the years to disciple, mentor, to share what life with Jesus is all about.
I repent for this indifference and ignorance and apathy. The Holy One comforts me with the forgiveness of My Savior, but makes it clear that time is short, the fields are white unto harvest and the laborers are few.
When Jesus comes back for us will He find us silent about our relationship with Him? Will He find us telling people about Him but making no effort to represent His life? Or will He find us actually doing the work of modeling what life with Him is all about. Will He find us investing what we know of Him into other lives so they can know Him too?
The challenge is great. We must sit at Jesus feet ourselves and surrender to His life and His will just as He modeled for us when He surrendered His life to the Father's Will. The challenge doesn't stop there. The challenge to our obedience in following Him and surrendering our life will inevitably move us on to meeting and mentoring and discipling another person to do the same.
If you are among the saved, who are you discipling? The delightful reality is that as we open ourselves up to the will of the Lord, He will bring people to us who flow into our lives by His grace and then He will give us the ability to fulfill His great commission:
Matt. 28:18 All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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