Thursday, August 23, 2012

Knowledge or Wisdom?

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  Thoughts of lost loved ones fill  my mind with deepest sorrow for their ignorance.  "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge."

We have such a privileged  place in God's created universe.  We are the pinnacle of all that God created.  We are the epi-center of His Eternal plan. Yet people, the human, the Beloved of an Almighty Creator, wallow in ignorance.  People have their minds saturated with the lies of an antagonist whose goal it is to separate us from the love of our God.  Those who are captives in the camp of the enemy, pride themselves in their intellect and fail to grasp the fact that a higher mind created their mind.

I think of the Sci-Fi movies that promote the stupidity of thought that the machines man created can ever rise above the one who created them.  It is sheer stupidity to think that the machines can , out-think, out-wit, or out-smart their creator.  Even as we look at our computers and how they can "calculate" or "prognosticate", and take formulas beyond our mental ability to solve,  all I have to do is pull the plug and all that knowledge ceases. 

What manner of lie do we accept that causes us to ignore that our plug can be pulled at any moment and all that amazing knowledge will cease.   Yet that is not addressed by our "institutions of higher manipulation", and quite the opposite, our students are trained to ignore such a devastating truth.  It's called propaganda and it creates a distraction from the wondrous relationship available with the Infinite Mind Who created all that exists. 

"You are gods" they tell our kids in the classrooms.  "You can do anything", they preach from the lectern.  "Everything depends on you" they proclaim from their rooftops, while lives are being destroyed and eternal destinies are being changed.

To add insult to injury, the worst thing about what is going on in the manipulation of our beloved children away from the absolute truth of God's Word,  is the reality that Godly parents are paying big bucks to these institutions only to have all they have worked to establish in their children's hearts and minds regarding faith in the One True God, destroyed through "higher" education.  These very institutions that were founded and established to prepare Pastors to teach the Word of God to the masses has been hijacked to destroy the Knowledge of Holiness rather than teach it.

To say that education has become a "god" is an understatement.  I listen to the arguments the Politicians find to make for their (re) election and I hear them promote "education" as the only hope for success in the world.

There is a vast chasm between knowledge and wisdom.  One can have knowledge without wisdom and have a collection of data with no way to make it work.

Proverbs 1:7 tells us, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline".  The fear of the Lord is described as "a loving reverence for God that includes submission to His Lordship and to the commands of His Word".

All that our knowledge can accomplish is to build pyramids that honor those who have died with no hope or assurance of the after life.  Wisdom on the other hands, build hearts and minds that honor the One who conquered death and rose again.  Wisdom honors the One who is called the Savior of man, Christ Jesus.  No "human" can claim such power over death.  And only the Almighty Creator of all that exists, can award to us the promise of eternal life with Him.

Knowledge can only take us to the gates of eternity, but wisdom gives us the key and grants access.

If all you care about is this temporal life, then knowledge alone is OK.  It is no guarantee for success but it will get you through some things here.  But if the questions you have in your heart takes you to desire the understanding of true life from origins to the eternal place beyond our human comprehension then wisdom is required. 

Proverbs 2:6, "For the Lord gives wisdom and from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. "
Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will make your paths straight.  Do not be wise in you own eyes.   Fear the Lord and shun evil".

It's time to stop worshiping at the altar of the "gods" of learning that are taking us away from the One True God and His wisdom.

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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