Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Holy Make-Over

The Spirit calls to me today. Out of the sleep zone of the early morning darkness, He speaks so softly, yet I hear His voice.  "Jesus is remodelling lives".  In one short sentence to my conscious mind, I get the greatest visuals to think about.

Jesus comes onto our lives and begins this huge make-over. It is true that were were created in God's Glorious image, but that doesn't mean we reflect that image when we are first born, nor that we necessarily reflect that image on the day we check out of our earthy existence.

Being conformed to the image of Christ Jesus is a life long process that can only begin on the day we realize the depth of our own depravity, and invite the Son of Holiness into our lives. 

It is not a matter of our being "good natured", or having a "sweet" personality generally speaking.  Our ungodly depravity is the truth about the nature we were born with.  It is a nature so potentially corrupt that it is only a matter of time and circumstance that we all become the epitome of wickedness even to ourselves.

It is written:  There is no one righteous, not even one."  Romans 3:10.

The truth stands, and we must accept that indictment as it comes from the One who holds the standard of righteousness, God Himself.

It is to our relief and God's great glory that He sent His Son to stand in our place, to take all the wrath that must destroy all the ungodly that opposes the Holy.  In the place of ex halted self-assessment, we may not agree with that Holy judgment, but our legalistic standard of relative comparison must end at the Throne of our Creator.

Today the Holy Spirit makes the point that all who call Jesus "Savior", are undergoing a life changing make-over.  The truth that we are once saved doesn't make us instantly conforming to our Lord's image.

Day by day surrender is the requirement of Holiness and the only way we can even begin to reflect His Glorious Image to the world around us. (Romans 8)  We miss the point and the mark when we complain that we are too set in our ways or that we have effortlessly moved on to the perfect image of Christ when we first got "saved".  Salvation should make notable changes, but lots more must happen as our "reconstruction" gets into full swing.

One moment and the most important eternal decision we will ever make, doesn't end our humanity that has been ruled by our flesh since birth.  True transformation, true reconstruction,  a true make-over takes time and effort, trials and trust.

The process is life long and sometimes so slow it drives me crazy.  Shedding the old and wrapping myself in the new while dealing with life's challenges is daunting.  Yet, according to God's wisdom, it is in the very place of life's daily challenges that we get the greatest opportunities to let go of our old self, surrender to the Holy Spirit within and die to that which once controlled our being.

It is in those places of life's challenges where we can consciously surrender to the ruling authority of Christ within, that our transformation, reconstruction and make-over makes the 6:00  news.  An uncommon reaction to a common challenge marks the changes Jesus is making in our lives.

That totally justifiable "way that I am", must give way to the totally righteous way that Christ is.  I can hear Holiness say, "stop fighting Me.  In and of yourself you are not that good, but in surrender to Me you can be stellar".

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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