Monday, August 6, 2012

The Last Dance

The Holy One calls to me this morning and His voice is so clear and gentle.  It is the voice of my Beloved, "Save this last dance for me."

There was  a song long ago when I was a young woman and the high school dances were so much fun.  It was the last song the band would play.   At the end of all the change and exchange of dance partners throughout the evening, people would find their one special person and keep that last dance for just the two of them.

The Holy One brings that to my mind today and speaks so softly to my soul, "Save this last dance for Me.  Don't let anyone cut in, I want this time to be just us".

It is an emotionally powerful thing to be chosen.  To know that you are loved and chosen exclusively by someone is the best feeling in the human world of relationships. Jesus speaks this wonderful and mysterious message to us in His Word through John 15:16, "you did not choose Me but I chose you".  The choosing has to do with a Sacred Romance, because Jesus, the Son of God, is the Bridegroom and we, who make up the Body of Christ, are the Bride.

He goes on to say, "and (I) appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last."   We have been chosen by Holiness for relationship and to bear the fruit that identifies Holiness to the world that our life touches.  We have been chosen and appointed by Jesus, for fruit bearing which means to live out the character of our Beloved.

The Bible speaks of this fruit in Galatians 5 and Paul exhorts us to "live by the Spirit".   He identifies the fruit that is "of the Spirit"; that which is made manifest by the Spirit.  This fruit (how we act and relate to our world)  reveals the life of our Beloved within our hearts as His Presence transforms us from inside out. We are to live out His love, His joy, His peace, His patience, His kindness, His gentleness, His goodness, His faith, and His self control.

Just as in a human marriage where the two become one flesh, so it is in our Sacred Romance with the Son of God. We become one in Spirit, united with our God.  Human marriage doesn't change the uniqueness of who I am individually but it does alter the way I live my life in corporate unity with my husband as we are bound together in flesh and spirit.  Living together in marriage, we change.  We are, in effect, transformed by the other person's powerful influence over our individual life. 

The mystery of the marriage union becomes even deeper and more profound if we violate our covenant and seek to live separated or divorced from the husband or wife we were once committed to in the one flesh relationship.  In a mystery too deep to fathom,  no one walks away from a broken covenant without deep scars.  Lives are changed and some forever destroyed when we break covenant with our marriage partner in life.

So it is if we break covenant with Jesus, our Beloved,who chose us, once we declare to have chosen Him in return.The Sacred Romance/Marriage is sealed by His Spirit.

"I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine"...Song of Songs.

The Sacred Romance is available for each one of us. This may be the last dance for some and a time to find Him again. Or this may be the very first time you hear Him calling to you, inviting you into His arms.  Wherever you are, look around for the One who is looking at you.

As the Holy One calls to me today, I begin a new season and I trust Him. I know that in this next season of my human widowhood, our Sacred Romance will flourish under His protective love

He calls to me today, to remind me that He has always been my Beloved.  Just like the words of the song He brought to my attention this morning, He speaks to my heart, "Don't forget whose takin' you home and in Whose arms you're gonna be. Oh Darlin, save the last dance for Me."

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

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