Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Peace that Passes All Understanding*

The Holy Spirit calls to me this morning. His voice speaks comfort in the rest He not only provides but also commands.  I hear Him say, "Be still and know that I am God". To be still is to be quiet, to be calm, to be tranquil.

Jesus has said, "behold, I am making everything new."  Everything Jesus promised was something new: A new covenant, a new birth, a new nature, a new relationship with Holiness, a new heart, a new command and a new Spirit.  He even promised to put a new song in our hearts and ultimately give us a new name.

The new Spirit He promised is the Holy Spirit.  In the stillness, I find I can more clearly hear His voice.  The attack of busyness always tries to take us into chaos and away from God's command that we "be still".

Activity in and of itself is not the problem because we have duties to perform each and every day, hour by hour.  What is the problem, it seems, is the mental chaos that we fall victim to when trying to meet the challenges we face in our own strength.

I have found than an hour in the peaceful Presence of the Holy One translates to hours of peace in the world I physically inhabit.  Absent my time in the counsel room of the Holy One, confusion and chaos dictates those same hours in my physical world.

We cannot undo the fall of man and the affects of the fruit of that "damnable" tree from whence comes the knowledge of good and evil.  It was there for a purpose and to give man and woman a choice.

That choice was made for all of us by our earthly parents, Adam and Eve.  It is good for me to know that I was not created in design to handle all of that "good vs evil"  information  Our original human design was to remain innocent as we don't seem to be wired with the ability to properly judge the difference between good and evil.

Life on earth presents choices by the minute that require decisions and our inability to discern what is or will be found to be good or bad for us is the crux of the chaos and confusion that fills our lives hour by hour. While we cannot undo history and the conflict to our creative design, there is a provision made by our Creator God to return to a place of original peace and that place is in fellowship with Himself.

The Gospel is how we get there, but more must be understood in order to apply all the benefits of our Salvation.  The call of the Holy Spirit when answered by our heart, mind and soul is the only place of peace this side of Heaven.

To know Jesus as Savior is the  one thing necessary for our eternal security, but to know Jesus as Lord is the mandate for anyone who desires  peace in the journey we must go through on planet earth.

The Word of God is a mystery in that it is a living Entity.  Everything we can or need to know is embedded in it's pages. However, we need an "Interpreter" to glean the truths contained therein.  The Holy Spirit is called "the Spirit of Truth".  In John 14:17, Jesus said that, "the world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him.  But you know Him for He lives with you and will be in you."

It's pretty clear to me, that the one thing that separates me from the world around me is the Holy Spirit in me.  All my opinions and thoughts apart from the Spirit of Truth who dwells within my being are just flesh arrogance and will produce the same chaos and confusion the world operates under.

It makes sense to me that, without the wisdom, counsel, and Truth given me by the Holy One, I simply cannot escape the deception and distorted perspective of a fallen world.  This is why the early morning conferences with the Spirit of Truth must be a top priority.  Without the ability to handle the knowledge of good and evil, due to my original design, and, absent the only provision given by my Creator to have that deficit made up for in my being, I am helpless to find any peace.

The glorious truth is that the "peace that passes all understanding" is available to every person born into the chaotic fallen world.  However there is only one way to gain it.  The only way to the peace we all long for is through the Prince of Peace Himself, Jesus Christ. 

To come to the Creator God, from whom all blessings flow, we must come on His terms.  We read in His Word to us, that there is no other name by which any of us can be saved from the effects of the fall.  Only through the Son of God, Jesus Christ,  and the Cross where He shed His blood for us can we be restored to  relationship with  our Creator and begin to find the peace we all seek.

Once we accept the Son of God as our Savior, and the only Provision our Creator has made for a restored relationship, not only do we gain our place in Paradise for all eternity, but we also gain the Spirit of Truth.  The Holy Spirit takes up residency within our being and provides the wisdom, counsel, joy, peace and every good quality and blessing that we lack in our flesh.

His Presence is promised so we don't have to look for Him, but we do have to  listen for and to His voice.  "Be still and know that I am God".  "My peace I give to you"

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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