Monday, November 12, 2012

The Day Of the King Draws Near***

The Holy One calls me this morning.  Struggles abound and there is much to talk over with my Counselor and Friend.  News of yet another storm to hit an already devastated area of the U.S. reaches  my ears.  Physical trials of body breakdowns touching people I know and love.  Unemployment escalating and families in crisis, all indicators that this life is spiraling out of our control.

I feel the winter setting in and my body groans just like my heart.

The Holy One speaks, "It won't be long now.  The day of the King draws near."  Oh how I long for that day, when the foot of Holiness will step back into the world on the spot where He left us over 2000 years ago. That was a supernatural event, when the Creator of gravity revealed His power and authority over it, and His return will be nothing less supernatural.

Acts 1:9-11 sets the stage and tells the story of that amazing moment in history. I go there knowing the Holy One has something He wants me to "see".   After Jesus ascended into Heaven from the Mount of Olives, scriptures tells us:

"After He said this, He was taken up before their very eyes and a cloud hid Him from their sight.  They were intently looking up into the sky as He was going.  Suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.  "Men of Galilee" they said, "Why do you stand there looking into the sky?  This same Jesus who has been taken from you into Heaven will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into Heaven".

Talk about a mind blower.  But then everything about Jesus blows my mind.  Somehow I feel the Holy One smile at my thoughts.  His role is to bring honor and respect and awe and worship from inside me out for My King.  And I give it gladly because He is worthy.  Sadly, many, even those called by His Name, withhold such praise.  "But Lord, what can explain the lack?"

It's not long until the Holy One provides the answer.  "It's the cares of the world and the human reaction to them.  Too many lies over too many generations have clouded the legacy of the faith.  The anticipation of My return has left the minds of most of My people.".

Truth has just sent a shock way to my being.  We go along to get along and the return of the King never gets mentioned by most who are doing "Christianity."  If we thought that tonight at midnight the horn would blow and we would see the return of the King, how would we live today?  Even a casual glance into most lives tells the tale that the subject of His return is not discussed. 

The Acts church was on fire...they did not know the day of His return any more than we do, yet they lived their lives in anticipation of it.  Priorities change when our focus does.  Maybe that is why the church is so inconsequential today.  No one cares what the church thinks or has to say even about moral issues because of our  compromise.  We are not living as the Body of Christ in anticipation of His return so why would anyone outside the church be concerned?

Prophecy has been laid out for all of us to read.  The opinion of scholars, who have spent a lifetime studying God's Word,  seems to be that we are truly in the last days before His return.  The one thing we do know is that we don't know.  The day of His return is a very well kept secret.  But knowing that it is coming should have an impact on the way we choose to live our lives.

The Holy One asks me to think about what I would do differently today if I knew the Lord was coming back tonight?  And then do it.  Much to think about as the day of the King draws near.  What about you?  What would you do differently if you knew that the King would be coming tonight?

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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