The Holy One calls to me this morning. There is a "feel" of victory in the atmosphere. After long months of praying, with not much change in the natural, this new sensation is a welcome sign like sunshine after weeks of a torrential rain.
The warmth of His Presence is now more like a guiding light than the blanket of protection against the storm. While I have been agonizing in one of many trials, He has been waiting for me to ask the right questions and pray the right prayers.
He hears the question in my heart, "Are there any wrong prayers?' I answer myself, "No, not really", but there are prayers that seem to "not" get answers, and I want to know why? His explanation is so simple that I am stunned at my own ignorance.
For a while now, I have changed my petition and begun asking my Counselor to give me "Heaven's strategy" for victory in all I have been praying specifically.
He takes me back to His Word and John 15:7 where Jesus said, "If you remain in Me and My word remains in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given. This is to my Father's Glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be My disciples." Victory on earth is bound up in that verse.
Jesus said, "If you remain in Me". Jesus is the personified Word of God; the "Walking Word" as He has been described. To remain in Him is to remain in the Word. IE Read your Bible!
"And My word remains in you". From out of our hearts and minds flow all that we put into our hearts and minds. It is essential to have His Word remain in our heart and mind.
"Ask whatever you wish and it will be given you". If I am in Him, and His Word is in me, His will and my desires actually merge to become one and the same. We will have that for which we ask.
The "Heavenly strategy" for victory on earth is to pray His Word down in every situation. "Pray and say", was what Jesus taught. "When you pray, say", and then He went on to outline a prayer model we call, the "Lord's prayer".
Looking at His encounter with the devil in the wilderness, I see His inward confidence and outward authority that the Word of God stands, for He said, "it is written". The spoken Word of God was the one-two punch that gave Him the victory back then.
It bears mentioning that evil always plays a role in our trials (see Job's life). And that whatever strategy we use, we must take that into account. In co-government of our world, we must look around at what is out of God's Divine order and try to find a method of action we hope will change what we "see".
We can judge, we can cry, we can negotiate, we can yell, we can repent, we can compromise God's Word to fit our experience, but in all of that, our prayers can seem like gumballs thrown at a wall while we wonder which (if any ) will stick and be answered".
Today the Holy One speaks to provide that critical element so often overlooked when we face the impossible trials of life while praying for relief and rescue and deliverance.
"Speak God's Word and He will honor it. God wants His children to succeed His way".
God's Word is His Will. "Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven". As we speak out God's promises (already given) to His people, to meet our prayers and petitions, He already knows we have, The Father is glorified by the fruit of the answers being made visible in our lives.
Our legacy is Christ's authority in the co-government of our world. We are placed here to shine like starts in the universe not to just claim to be like Christ and then wallow in the mud like the rest of the world.
There are promises in the Word of God, written to cover every human need and every human threat. There are promises written that deal with the inhabitants who dwell beyond the realm of our human senses as well as promises that involve our eternal destination point after leaving planet earth.
The "key" is to start living in the Word of God, and find the promise that fits the need. We then declare what "is written" and therefore must come to pass, with a Holy confidence.
At the spoken Word of God, all things that exist were created. Heb 11:3, "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command (spoken word).
Somehow our faith is affirmed by what we speak. To declare God's Word reveals faith in His Word. Faith in His Word brings manifestations whereby:
mountains are removed
storms are calmed
sickness and diseases flee
the impossible happens
God gets the Glory and we, His people, get the victory. Speaking His word forever ends the argument so many use for deafeat: You just do not have enough faith. Speaking the word is all the faith required to claim the answers. End of discussion. Liar is silenced.
Finally I understand, there is a victory strategy for answered prayers. It hasn't changed since the foundation of the world It remains and always will be: GOD'S SPOKEN WORD!
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
The warmth of His Presence is now more like a guiding light than the blanket of protection against the storm. While I have been agonizing in one of many trials, He has been waiting for me to ask the right questions and pray the right prayers.
He hears the question in my heart, "Are there any wrong prayers?' I answer myself, "No, not really", but there are prayers that seem to "not" get answers, and I want to know why? His explanation is so simple that I am stunned at my own ignorance.
For a while now, I have changed my petition and begun asking my Counselor to give me "Heaven's strategy" for victory in all I have been praying specifically.
He takes me back to His Word and John 15:7 where Jesus said, "If you remain in Me and My word remains in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given. This is to my Father's Glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be My disciples." Victory on earth is bound up in that verse.
Jesus said, "If you remain in Me". Jesus is the personified Word of God; the "Walking Word" as He has been described. To remain in Him is to remain in the Word. IE Read your Bible!
"And My word remains in you". From out of our hearts and minds flow all that we put into our hearts and minds. It is essential to have His Word remain in our heart and mind.
"Ask whatever you wish and it will be given you". If I am in Him, and His Word is in me, His will and my desires actually merge to become one and the same. We will have that for which we ask.
The "Heavenly strategy" for victory on earth is to pray His Word down in every situation. "Pray and say", was what Jesus taught. "When you pray, say", and then He went on to outline a prayer model we call, the "Lord's prayer".
Looking at His encounter with the devil in the wilderness, I see His inward confidence and outward authority that the Word of God stands, for He said, "it is written". The spoken Word of God was the one-two punch that gave Him the victory back then.
It bears mentioning that evil always plays a role in our trials (see Job's life). And that whatever strategy we use, we must take that into account. In co-government of our world, we must look around at what is out of God's Divine order and try to find a method of action we hope will change what we "see".
We can judge, we can cry, we can negotiate, we can yell, we can repent, we can compromise God's Word to fit our experience, but in all of that, our prayers can seem like gumballs thrown at a wall while we wonder which (if any ) will stick and be answered".
Today the Holy One speaks to provide that critical element so often overlooked when we face the impossible trials of life while praying for relief and rescue and deliverance.
"Speak God's Word and He will honor it. God wants His children to succeed His way".
God's Word is His Will. "Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven". As we speak out God's promises (already given) to His people, to meet our prayers and petitions, He already knows we have, The Father is glorified by the fruit of the answers being made visible in our lives.
Our legacy is Christ's authority in the co-government of our world. We are placed here to shine like starts in the universe not to just claim to be like Christ and then wallow in the mud like the rest of the world.
There are promises in the Word of God, written to cover every human need and every human threat. There are promises written that deal with the inhabitants who dwell beyond the realm of our human senses as well as promises that involve our eternal destination point after leaving planet earth.
The "key" is to start living in the Word of God, and find the promise that fits the need. We then declare what "is written" and therefore must come to pass, with a Holy confidence.
At the spoken Word of God, all things that exist were created. Heb 11:3, "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command (spoken word).
Somehow our faith is affirmed by what we speak. To declare God's Word reveals faith in His Word. Faith in His Word brings manifestations whereby:
mountains are removed
storms are calmed
sickness and diseases flee
the impossible happens
God gets the Glory and we, His people, get the victory. Speaking His word forever ends the argument so many use for deafeat: You just do not have enough faith. Speaking the word is all the faith required to claim the answers. End of discussion. Liar is silenced.
Finally I understand, there is a victory strategy for answered prayers. It hasn't changed since the foundation of the world It remains and always will be: GOD'S SPOKEN WORD!
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?