Saturday, July 20, 2013

Trinity Unity..The Model of Trust***

The Holy One call to me this morning. I have been blessed by family and others in the Body of Christ who have brought comfort and help to me and each other.  As I ponder, with thanksgiving, the encouragement such relational inter-action has brought, the Holy One speaks to me about "community".

"Jesus came to model Trinity Unity".  His statement draws me into deep thoughts about the Tri-une Godhead.   The Trinity IS community...and Jesus came to model that for us. Overlooked some times is the real inter-dependency the Father, Son and Holy Spirit had in the Lord's earth journey.

We know and read about Jesus' submission to the Father's Will unto death, but we don't always think about or realize His dependency on the Resurrection power and "performance" by the Holy Spirit after His death. He went to the Cross trusting the Spirit would raise His body from a death state.

Even though we cannot wrap our brains around or explain the mystery of the Trinity, scripture conveys the 3 part Godhead as Truth.  In the same way we cannot explain the secrets of the universe or the rules that hold our life and world together, we cannot explain the Trinity, or the inter- dependency of that unique and Sovereign Community we call God.

Jesus said He came to show us the Father.  He said He would send the Comforter AKA the Holy Spirit after leaving planet earth.  He said, "I am in the Father and the Father is in Me".  John 14:9-11.  Then He went on to explain the amazing promise that goes with "abiding" in that unity.   John 15:7 "If you remain in Me and My Word remains in You,  ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you."  

By His words, Jesus was conveying a "Mysterious Spiritual Union" that is called the Trinity, but more than that, He was laying out the relationship Trinity was about to draw humanity into.  We have the written Word that tells us, Jesus, "the Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being.  Heb 1:3. 

We know that the "Son" took on flesh and blood to share in our humanity but with the ultimate goal that humanity could share community with God as the Trinity.  We know Jesus did the Father's Will.  We know that He submitted His own will to the Father's Will even unto death on a Cross.

We focus on the submission of Jesus in the Father-Son relationship which is a model for every believer in Jesus the Christ.  But Jesus also modelled trust in community at the deepest level. While He was in submission to the Father's Will, He was also trusting in the Holy Spirit to resurrect His body after His human death and that even after the Father turned away from the sin He bore in humanity's behalf.

When Jesus tells us to "Love one another" there is an exhortation to be in community as was modelled by His submission to the Father on the one hand and trust in the Holy Spirit for His resurrection on the other.

Jesus was the "assigned" Lamb of God, who knew He would bear the indictment and penalty of the Tri-une Godhead for humanity's wicked rebellion.  He was honored for His sacrifice and returned to His place of "original" Community with the Father and the Holy Spirit. 

I am in awe at the realization that we have been called into that Eternal Community and have been given the only key to that "Spiritual Union", Who is the Holy Spirit.

Identifying with the death of the Son while in His flesh body, identifies me with the resurrection of His Spirit unto a new life of unity with the Tri-une Godhead. No other way exists to join in the Heavenly Community of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As I consider the Lord's model of love and community, I see how I must learn to trust the Body of Christ under the lead of the Holy Spirit but also I must become a "trust worthy" member of this Divine and Holy community on earth.   Staying connected to the Lord in intimate personal relationship is mandatory for both.

There is no discord to the Trinity.  Each operates independently but in one accord.  Each honors the role of the other, and each brings Glory to the other.  We have the supreme privilege under the power of the Holy Spirit, to bring Glory to all Three.

The Body of Christ in unity and love is where we can fulfill the Lord's directive to "Love one another".  The fulfilling of that command is the extension of the Divine Community of the Trinity on earth.

I am realizing that this sense of community and inter-dependency is what the Lord wants from His Body. Will we honor and celebrate the gifts, strengths and talents of one another without competition or jealousy?  Will we support each other in the roles we have been assigned?  Will we come to those being crucified and offer resurrection prayers?  Or will we just walk away and say, "better you than me"?

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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