Monday, July 22, 2013

The Power Over Evil

The Holy One calls to me this morning. I confess I want to understand and know more about the mystery of My Creator God.  When things vex my mind, I cry out for His wisdom and rarely does He turn me away without the answer that I seek. 

I have learned not to put a timetable to His answer.  I have learned that He brings His wisdom in His timing, in His own unique way to fit perfectly inside my human mind.  Sometimes the wisdom I seek connects in unusual ways to the bigger picture. While I search for the smaller details of life to be made clear, He is calling me to war on a different level.

On the personal natural level, there is a hard battle being fought in defense of covenant marriage against the backdrop of divorce, and for the role of the father that has been denigrated and almost destroyed. 

On a personal level, the pain of divorce and the impact on children forced to live with the consequences is heartbreaking and almost unbearable.  The ordeal has put the covenant family in the gears of society's distorted world view of marriage and under the corrupt jurisdiction of the "courts of men". 

God's Divine Government has no bearing on the decisions that are being carried out when children become "wards of the state".  Abortion rights is yet another example of a war on children executed at the highest level of evil power passed to  the lowest level of depraved human indifference.  The Sanctity of Life and the value that God places on every human being conceived is being rejected and denied.

As the saga unfolds, many many times I hear the questions of the hurting hearts, "God, where are You?"  "Do You care?"  "When will the nightmare end?"

In the bigger picture,  I can see how the Lord is using the personal to help me understand the corporate. Others are suffering in similar ways and need encouragement and wisdom to escape the treachery that I have just been through. 

The Holy One calls me this morning out of my slumber and into my armour with the stark reminder that I do have a role in this battle even as "The battle belongs to the Lord".

The Lord calls me to look hard at Matt 18:18-19. He calls me to address my place on the battlefield and my assignment in the war.  He calls me to the place of my delegated authority to "co-govern" the world that touches my life.

Pursuit of the "American Dream", and all the energy it takes to acquire it, leaves the Church of the living God, with precious few warriors on the battlefield who have a heart to fight for the principles of Godly Government over our earth-bound lives. 

Looking back at the original garden and the original relationship between the Creator and His created, the "man" was given the Divine benediction and command to "take care of" as in "have dominion over"  the place of his habitation and not just live off the blessings of the land.

As a farmer works with the natural soil, we must work with the "Spiritual" soil we have been given.  We must sow and reap, but today the Spirit tells me, I must not forget to bind and loose.

The Holy One knows I have been frustrated, to say the least, with the appearance that evil is in charge of my world.  The wicked "seem" to flourish, while the righteous languish in circumstances that "seem" to have been formed and forged in the pit of hell.

I refuse to slip into despair,  so I have been asking my Counselor to speak to me about where I might be missing something important in the government of my world. His answers always come in response to my cries, not at the moment my questions are articulated, but according to His time and my ability to track with His answers.

Today is an answer day.  While I primarily view life as a battle, it can still be a puzzle that Divine pieces are being placed into as I journey with Jesus.  Where does each piece fit and how does it impact the battle I am in, forms the basis of my servant hood as Ambassador of my King and warrior for my Kingdom.

The Lord has helped me to see that, although I am just an older woman, or just a widow or just a__________ whatever the enemy may use to point out my weakness, I am still a beloved child of the Sovereign God who created everything and everyone, including the angel turned traitor. While in and of my flesh I am no match for the supernatural enemy of my soul, my Lord did not leave me defenseless or powerless.

God's government of the world is my business, because I am His servant and the officially delegated authority over my corner of His world.  In God's Divine Government and the Body of Christ on earth, the prayers of the saints are mightier than the powers of the evil one.

In Matt 18:18 Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on earth, will be loosed in Heaven."  In Matt 12:29, speaking of the evil one, Jesus said, "or again, how can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off  his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man, then he can rob his house"

The only way the enemy can enforce any form of his will is if we refuse or fail to pray....OR...and this is huge, if we agree with what we see him doing by speaking his agenda out over our circumstances through complaining rather than reclaiming our authority.  We must, by the spoken word, bind him and refrain, by the same spoken word, from agreeing with his power.

We must bind enemy forces and the activities we see him engaged in and then release or loose by the spoken word the Holy Spirit of Christ's authority over the situations we see. Looking at the life of Christ, Who is our model, we see him driving out the darkness and replacing it with His Light.

God's Word is His Will and His Government is plainly laid out in Scripture.  As we look around what do we see at cross purpose with God's Government in our "world"?  Everything, from inner family issues of division and childhood rebellion to the corrupt systems of the courts of men, is subject to our delegated authority should we choose to execute it.

While it is true that Jesus came to change hearts not the laws that govern society, when laws and rulings violate our Godly conscience and we still claim to be residents living in the land of the free we have a responsibility and then privilege to occupy our world that still belongs to the Lord, by and through His Holy Spirit, until He returns to rule and reign Himself.

As if to make sure that I do not miss His point, the Holy One takes me to yet another scripture in the book of Nehemiah, where the "workers" who were in charge of rebuilding the walls of protection around the Holy City...(hmmm...could that be our assignment as well?) were told in Nehemiah 4:14, "To remember the Lord and to fight for your brothers, yours sons, your daughters and your homes."  Verse 17 says, "those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each one of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."

This is a  very poignant picture of how we are to live as builders and warriors for our Kingdom and our King.  Today the Holy Spirit has helped me see that wringing my hands is never an option.  Folding my hands in prayer, while gripping the sword in authority is required for the victory.

Binding the evil I see while loosing the power of the Spirit will cause victory to come from God's government in Heaven to our government on earth. Refusing to fight is the surest way to live in defeat. 

In your corner of God's world, what evil thing needs to be bound in the name of Jesus, and what situation needs to be changed through the intervention by His Spirit?  We are called to co-govern with our God.  The power over evil is yours to wield.

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?     


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