Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Round on the Potter's Wheel

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  Lately I am making yet another revolution on the "Potter's" wheel.  The symbolism of this picture painted in the Word of God is not lost on me. 

We are clay (literally), formed into shape by the Divine Hand of the Creator and He likens Himself to a "Potter".  References are made throughout scripture in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, and Romans.

We can mistakenly think that we arrived here on planet earth perfect in design, according to our Creator God, having our DNA pre-set before we are born.  We struggle with our pride for that reason rather than accepting the fact that our flesh is quite a blob of undisciplined thoughts and actions that is constantly re-acting to things and people in this life and earth experience. No offense but we all are in need of change. 

We are not born in the same physical shape we will be in at our temporal death, and the same is true of our spirit.  As our bodies grow and mature so does our Spirit, once the Life of Christ has been breathed onto our being through the Salvation process.

The blob of clay that we are at our Spiritual birth needs to be formed and fashioned as we grow up, thus the image of the Potter, the wheel, and our experience upon it. In the natural we work our bodies and make decisions to hone our temporal "tent".  This would be much like working with a "trainer" in a gym for a like-kind analogy from the natural world. 

In the sense of Spiritual maturity, we in our flesh body, will never arrive at a place where we are perfect and no longer in need of refinement.  We are simply a work-in-progress and our best place for shape change is in surrender to the Hand of the Potter.

In our early morning conference today, as the wheel is spinning, the Holy One wanted to talk about prayer and my place in co-governing His world that touches my life.

Divine prayer strategy has been laid out for me and that is to pray God's Word over the situations I encounter each day.  It is written that we are to keep his commands and Word close:

Deut. 11:18, says, "Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds and bind them on your foreheads.  Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home, when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

Jesus said, "If you remain in Me and My Word remains in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you.  This is to my Father's Glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My Disciples."  John 15:7-8

I ask the Holy One for wisdom as I offer up prayers and petitions that await answers.  Delays always seem to bring doubts and doubts give way to fears and fears give way to unbelief.  He gives a gentle but firm answer that defines my calling and restores my faith:

"You do not command Me, I command you!".

His words require me to think, process, and analyze my "prayer" posture.  As I ask for His "opinion" and discernment in self-analysis, I find His word to me is actually quite encouraging.  Rather than a rebuke it turns out to be a sweet affirmation of our unity.  He directs my thoughts and His peace floods my heart and mind.

The Holy One continues to speak, "As you remain in Me and My Word remains in you, we enjoy unity and your prayers are ones I have placed in you and for you to bring back to My Throne.  The burdens you feel are the ones I have formed and placed upon your heart and mind and spirit.  They are Mine as well."

The revelation of today is profound.  He is commanding my prayers and burdens.  He is forming them and passing them to and through me from His heart and Mind.  The fact that my prayers are not mine but His, leaves no room for doubt even if there is a delay in answers.

My sense of burdens are ones He has placed upon me to bear at His Throne and to keep there until I see resolutions and the answers He has already provided in the Heavenly Realm.   Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is (done) in Heaven is not without understanding of what His Will is.

God's Word is His will!  The promises He has written and willed for me and others who call upon His Name are all yes and amen!  The commands we are to follow in love of our Savior are to be answered, "Yes, Lord, may it be as You have said".  The Spirit within gives us the  ability to say that and mean what we say.

As we remain true to our Lord and His Word, we can be assured that our prayers have answers and that we are in the privileged place of co-governing His created world in the places we inhabit and occupy just like back in the beginning in the garden before the fall.

As the day of the Lord's return to earth in His awesome Power and Glory draws near, our personal relationship with Him is urgently important.  The darkness has already deceived many into a false sense of security and many are rejecting the inerrant quality of the Word of God.  Many are picking and choosing what part of God's Word is relevant to our society today rather than picking and choosing what of society's word is relevant to God's Word today.

There are those offering up prayers and petitions that seem to be commanding God to tolerate and even bless the compromise of His Word that mocks His Grace.

 As we labor under the Divine privilege of  Unity with The Holy One, and the responsibility that goes with it, may we always remember our place on the Potter's wheel and be open to His Hand of refinement.

For me, today, I have read and heard His Word.  As His servant, I must always remember that I do not command the Lord, He commands me.  My prayers and burdens are ones He has given.  I am  a chosen servant and vessel who simply completes the cycle of His government in the world that touches my life. 

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?  


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