Monday, August 26, 2013

Facing Aloneness in God's Purpose

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  This last year of a new thing called "temporal widowhood" has taught me a lot about my Eternal Bridegroom.  Like the fact that He never leaves me. 

While the carnal heart and mind can press to embrace the aloneness as an excuse for self-pity, the Holy One is always providing the sweet evidence of His Presence:  A phone call at just the right moment, or unexpected fellowship knocking at my door.  My Beloved knows my emotional needs for human contact and always sends someone in the flesh to meet that need.

"You are not the only one who faces aloneness according to My purpose and plan."

When I ponder all the messages over the last year of acclimating  to life without a flesh husband, the Holy One hasn't really talked about His purpose in the aloneness, but rather His comfort.

Ever since the beginning God said, "it is not good for man to be alone"  It seems that His plan has always been in community and in relationship.  First comes the marriage between man and woman. That branches out into a family and family branches out into extended family and society is formed from larger family groups.

Today, He is drawing me back into what seems to be a plan that He had for Adam before there was an Eve.

The salvation/rescue of our souls is a uniquely personal experience.  However, Salvation from "what" seems to be the big question?  We have been programmed to believe that Salvation and Rescue is from the fire of Hell, and from eternal damnation, whatever that means.

Death is the big threat and is the door to what lies beyond termination of life on earth.  It is written that physical death does not end life.  We in "personage" will merely be ushered into another realm called eternity.

There awaits a judgment of the soul of every person ever born.  It is past the place where our flesh can be blamed or credited for the choices and decisions we made in this life.

Back in the garden, God made it very clear to Adam that one tree in the garden issued forth life and another tree brought death.  The death tree created a breech to Divine dependence upon the Creator God as man's source of life.

It is hard to even imagine why the first pair would choose death over life but each and every day people all around us are making the same choice. Before Eve, Adam enjoyed fellowship with the Creator God.  Eve was supposed to be a delightful "add-on",  but Adam was so enamored with his lovely companion that he fell into that place we all have been in:  prioritizing a relationship with a person over our relationship with our God.

God understands our humanity better than anyone. He created us for loving fellowship.  He set us up with emotional needs and dependency upon each other.  So what is His purpose in our aloneness?

Our God is a Three Part Sovereign in the Persons of:

God, the Father
God, the Son,
God the Holy Spirit

God said, "let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness" Gen 1:26

There is a dynamic to our created being that requires our relationship with the Trinity to be complete before we can even begin to be fulfilled as a person.  Through the Salvation process and by the indwelling 3rd Person of the Trinity, we are brought together in a mystical union with God Himself, which is the whole reason behind our Salvation in the first place.  For those who stop at the place of fire insurance from the flames of hell, you have very sadly missed the entire point.

The human temptation is to seek human relational fulfillment without God.  The aloneness that  is part of His plan and purpose is to take us back to  realize our greatest need:  The Sacred love relationship with God Himself.

It is no mistake and no fault of the person who feels the aloneness coming down like a dark suffocating cloud.  Aloneness and rejection tries to point their long ugly fingers at the person rejected as if the fault lies there.   But God is  mercifully giving each one of us a mini picture of the isolation of what that ultimate death will be while there is still time to remedy. 

Our Salvation and Rescue planned by the Creator at the foundation of the world even before the fall, was to draw us back into the unity like unto the Trinity, where all completion in heart-longing relationship begins.

We need to grasp this picture of His love.

Today, if there is a prick to your heart from aloneness or a longing for fellowship beyond your reach, seek Him first.  He is waiting to complete you.  Not to rob you of the human relationship but to introduce you to the Divine.

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?  

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