Wednesday, October 13, 2021

When God says No

Our Journey with Jesus is life long once we begin it.  Lessons in Holiness as well as sweet blessings in getting to know the One I will spend eternity with, come all along the way.

The mystery of God's Sovereignty keeps me fascinated and excited in our Sacred Romance.  There is so much to learn and experience in the fellowship being offered this side of Heaven until I see Him face-to-face.  

None of us will ever reach that place of all-knowing and that's in part what makes for the thrill in the journey, as there is always one more delightful thing to learn about our Lord and His ways.

Learning to discern the voice of our Shepherd is the basic lesson for all us little lambs. Once you know His voice more and more of the relationship opens up and delightful fellowship begins.

Prayer is a wonderful dialog when you know the One with whom you are communicating. 

There are times when our prayers meet with Heaven's "No".  I find that a "No" response to some of my petitions opens the way for a greater intimacy if I don't run away to lick my wounds but stay for some time in His Presence to understand the why of it should He choose to share His wisdom with me. 

There was a time when my sweet momma was sliding into dementia. It was a hard situation to watch as her full time caregiver.  She was the last remaining member of my family of origin and losing her mind before her body was such a struggle.   Caring for her meant praying for all her needs, spiritual, physical, emotional and even mental. 

In prayer, I asked my Lord, her Healer, to restore her memories.  I confessed my trust knowing He can do anything including what my petition represented. 

I heard Him say, "Please don't ask Me for that... and here's why". 

That answer confirmed much about Adonai and our relationship as He went on to explain the deep knowlege of her life and her vulnerbility at her age and condition to the dark pain those recalled memories would cause.  

For me this incident taught me much about the Lord's care of my mom, and His honoring of His Word and promises to me.  

Jesus said, "Whatever you ask for in My name that I will do and the Father will give."  

In keeping with that promise, He requested I withdraw my petition, which I did.  In the explanation He gave as to why the petition should be withdrawn, an even greater intimacy with Him was found.  Prayer is a two way conversation but it takes a while to realize and recognize the sound of His voice speaking back. 

Once we are saved, the relationship with our Creator becomes one of  a growing friendship that eventually turns into a sacred love story of epic proportions.  We understand His love as we learn about Him.  We rest in His love as He provides and protects us.  We act in His love as we realize it pleases Him.  All our life after the moment of salvation is to be spent in that personal intimate fellowship with our amazing God getting to know the Very One we will spend eternity with.

Interaction with us, is part of the dynamic of Who He is, not just as an overseer but an active Lover of our soul.

When Adonai passed through the camp of Abraham on the way to see and destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, it is written that He said, "Should I hide from Abraham what I AM about to do?"  
Genesis 18:17 CJB 

With humble thanksgiving for what that one verse tells me about our potential relationship with the Holy One of Israel, I seek to be open to what He is willing to tell me in the circumstances of my life.  Whether I hear yes or no to my petitions, I am thankful to know that He is speaking to my heart.  

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?       

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