Saturday, October 9, 2021

Do you Trust My Ways?

Whatever we give to the Lord, He takes it and will transform it from death to resurrection.  But we must leave what we give to Adonai with Him and watch what He does, and how He does it.

The Holy One has spoken to my heart and asked me, "I know you trust My ultimate will but do you trust My ways?"

Are they not the same?  "NO, they are not the same".

The Lord reminds me of the story of Mary, the mother of Yeshua and the wedding feast in Cana and the crisis of no more wine.  Running out of wine was a devastating social situation for the family of the bride.  They were facing a form of "death" to their social status. Upon hearing that they had run out of wine, Mary solicited the help of her Son.  She brought the problem to Jesus, trusting that He could and would bring about a resolution to the crisis.  (John 2)

Notice what Mary didn't do.  In bringing Him the problem, she did not come to Jesus with a long list of potential ways for Him to handle the problem. She gave the problem to Him, told the servants to do whatever He directed them to do, and then she just watched His miracle unfold.  

Sometimes His rescue from out of a crisis situation is not so instant.  Trusting Adonai's ways can be hard when the resolutions are delayed.  Mary and Martha called for Jesus to come and heal their brother Lazarus who fell ill.  They had seen Jesus heal others and  they hoped Jesus would come heal their brother too. (John 11)

As they waited Lazarus died a physical death.  They were distraught in grief and for three more days they clung in hope to a cultural thought of the day that the spirit of the person hovers for 3 days over the body of the dead so there is a slim possibility of revival.

Four days later..... after the the outer most hope for revival had passed it's time, Jesus finally arrived. 

Jesus tarried His arrival for four days during which all human hope was extinguished.   BUT THEN....He did arrive with the ginormous blessing of resurrection life for Lazarus and in that day, provided a lesson for all of us to see that He, Jesus, is the source of resurrection life, post our temporal death, for those who Trust Him. I also found the profound principle in play:  the sisters' desire and Adonai's Will for them were one in the same but His way was not their way. Hope had to be resurrected along with Lazarus.  

How many times have I given a problem to Jesus in prayer then set about trying to resolve it according to my own "way" of intellectual  reasoning rather than in faith believing and trusting in His "Way" of bringing about the resolution. 

As in the situation in Cana, where the servants had a job to do to be part of the answer, we too may be called to participate but always in obedience to Yeshua's directive.  I'm pretty sure the servants were questioning in their natural mind,  how water was going to get by the "master of the banquet" when wine was expected, but when the "Master of the Universe" is in charge, we must not doubt or question His ways.

When we give our problems to Yeshua for Him to resolve, we must refuse the temptation to take it back.  Being in doubt, we will go back to the mental struggle we were in at the beginning.  

Hebrews 11:1 "Trusting (faith) is being confident in what we hope for, convinced about things we do not see". CJB

May we learn to leave what we give to Adonai with Him, listen for what He may want us to do to facilitate His move, and watch as He does His work. Any time He enters into our dilemma, it becomes a supernatural event and we must accept His Way to resolve us, whether natural or supernatural.   Praising Him in the "tarry" time, keeps us in anticipation of His Divine Way of bringing about our resolution and His Will.

Jesus alone can turn what evil means to use to harm us just as He turned death into resurrection life. That is His Will! That is His Way!   We must learn to trust both.

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?     




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