The Holy Spirit calls to me this morning. Our household has been attacked by the dreaded flu that has brought such fear to people all around the world. I hear my Lord say:
"It's time for the renewing of your mind!"
When trials hit our lives often we become so overwhelmed with the struggle that we fail to take into consideration that there might just be an important lesson from Adonai and a purpose beyond the temporary suffering.
True confession. For a few years I have struggled with anxiety that I am sure many can relate to. All the upheaval of life and the fears that we are in a dark time in history for those who follow prophecy, can bring out the fear of what we cannot control.
Anxiety can become a familiar "spirit"; one that hovers and at first we don't realize the oppression is actually a supernatural being who turns our thoughts to the negative worst case scenario rather than how we have been instructed to think by the Word of God.
The conversation continues with my indwelling Counselor.
"Do you notice all the negatives that are flooding the airwaves and impacting people? Don't give audience to the negativity".
It is a fact that we are being bombarded with negative things day and night and since we are addicted and connected to cyber space we cannot escape negative thinking that comes with negative knowledge.
The saddest part of all the information is in the reality that many are subtly being trained to think that Adonai is responsible for all the bad things that are happening or that He is angry. He is, after all Sovereign and can stop or start any and all things in the twinkle of the eye.
If we know and understand the Word of God, then we are reminded that Adonai delegated the ruling authority of this world to humanity. He delegated oversight and assistance for redeemed humanity (Hebrews 1:14) to His other created beings: "angels" or the elohim, who are powerful supernatural beings, yet created as we were by Yehoveh God.
The rule of Eden was broken by humanity in allegiance with the adversary, a fallen elohim. God's rule was to be enacted by humanity with help from the elohim but both fell at different times and now have engaged in the wicked destruction of Adonai's creation by rejecting and rebelling His Divine order.
This understanding begins to explain why all the negativity. God's will is positive, good, ordered, delightful and creative. People and fallen angels have chosen to oppose Him and any who are called by His Name.
The reason this is important to understand as Believers is that God sent One to deliver us from the grip of the evil ones. The first step in our deliverance is to have our sin nature forgiven and replaced.
That is what our Savior Yeshua was sent to earth wrapped in flesh to accomplish. That is what He did!
By His death we have been forgiven of all that separated us from our Creator at the fall. For flesh to be forgiven, flesh had to die whether ours or Yeshua's. This is a Holy God requirement for eternal life with Him.
By His death and resurrection, Yeshua defeated the adversaries of our Kingdom and our God, leaving us a legacy of eternal peace with our Creator should we choose it along with the ability to exercise forms of dominion over the dark rulers of the age.
It seems that Adonai awaits His image bearers to commit to Him and to call for His ruling authority to govern our lives and hereby influence the lost world around us. The Holy Spirit enables us to faithfully fulfill our commission and be in alignment with Adonai's Will.
To that end we are commanded to proclaim the wonderful Good News of God's Love against a backdrop of negative evil
As I focus my mind on whatsoever is good, true, noble, admirable, praiseworthy, and pray all the goodness of Adonai's Kingdom to come, and His will to be done here on earth as in Heaven, I am emulating the life of Yeshua and renewing my mind.
With His enabling, I can push back the ungodly ruling authority of evil that I see. Apart from Yeshua I can do nothing, but with Him nothing will be impossible.
Yeshua said, "The gates of hell will not overcome My community" (Yeshua followers.) Until we are evacuated, our assignment is to reject the evil and stand firm in the delegated authority Yeshua died to provide.
We must make it our ambition to represent our Heavenly Father well, true to His character in a world that is being lied to. If you are bound by the negative, it's a good time to work on the renewing of your mind.
The Holy Spirit is calling Can you hear Him?
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