I have been focusing on that small cloud in the distance (I Kings 18:44) that represents an end to the drought and famine in the land. It was God's will and His privilege to stop the drought that was a Divine discipline over His people for their idolatry and apostasy. God's mercy is so amazing. He doesn't leave us in that place of penalty forever.
But what does that cloud mean in my life? What does it represent as a symbol?
I have been seeking the Spirit's answer and today I can see, in part, what it represents.
In keeping with the over arching lessons from the Lord in my life; the call to ministry and the preparation for the next season, the cloud is significant. In that cloud is the personal promise for life sustaining rain. Not the rain for an end to the physical drought I have been experiencing in my circumstances (although that will be affected as well) but a much greater "rain" that is coming.
It is the "rain" of the Holy Spirit Himself.
I believe the Holy Spirit is about to "rain" down onto and through His people with power and authority. (For those who are already experiencing the "rain", I say, Hallelujah, that I am finally poised to know what you know). I believe with all my heart, that those of us who are seeking the Lord are being called to empty ourselves and to allow Him to empty us. Those things we have not been able to release, He is taking out of our hands.
The reason for the "clean out" is not just for the purpose and sake of our own purity, but to be emptied of self, so we can be filled up with and by the Holy One.
I saw in my Spirit the coming "rain", the coming deluge, the coming drenching of our lives with "Holy Rain". But only the empty vessels will be filled with His powerful anointing. Like the huge "blue barrels" only the empty ones can be filled. For those who are not emptied, (those filled with dirt, mud, brown water, etc.), the new rain cannot be captured and will instead be as runoff, not able to be collected or used.
The Lord, through our circumstances, is trying to get our attention and to break our will so we can experience even greater things that He has in store for His people. We have been exposed to and affected by corrupting things, the kind of things that prevent our usefulness as servants of the Most High.
These are the times of great challenges in our world and in our lives. The Holy Spirit is the only One equal to the challenges we face. The "rain" is coming!
Are you being emptied right now? Better get ready for the "rain".
The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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