Thursday, March 29, 2012

Perfect Love**

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  As I surrender my thoughts to His counsel and scrutiny, I am always braced for what His light reveals about the way my human mind processes things.

I have come to realize over the years of my progressive surrender to His ruling authority, that my mind can get overwhelmed by "stinkin thinkin" in a short period of time.  Taking every thought into the captivity and obedience to Christ is to discipline  my mind and like training an unruly child, some days are harder than others to bring my thoughts back to Holiness.

The Holy One speaks, "You would rather judge than repent."  Oh no, it's going to be "one of those days".  Another tough day in the sanctification process. 

When will I ever get free from all the fleshly thoughts and contradictions to righteousness?  The Holy One answers my thought, "Not until you exit this realm and join with Trinity in the next". 

That is very comforting and gives me the encouragement to press in and grasp what He is about to tell me.  What do You mean when you say I would rather judge than repent?

Much is happening fast in our world and in the Body of Christ.  Injustice in the world, an apathy about Holiness and the lines between right and wrong, good and evil seem to be muddied for most who are unwilling to make a stand.  But then there are those who are willing to form a judgment but base it on the wrong standard.

As I roll these thoughts around and accept that, what He has observed is true, I know I need to lower my resistance and defenses and hear Him out.  "Sometimes you judge out of fear.  Fear that you are not perfect and therefore, not acceptable to Me.  Rather than repent, you form a judgment over someone else who may "appear" to be less right, less holy, less religious, less------perfect.

In 2 Corinth 10:12, Paul spoke of it this way, "When they measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise."  The Holy One, in answering my prayers for wisdom, has just let me know of something within that is "unwise".

Then He takes me to Romans 14:1,  "Accept him whose faith is weak without passing judgement on disputable matters.  And 14:4 says, "Who are you to judge someone else's servant.  To his own Master he stands or falls and he will stand for the Lord is able to make him stand."  And then again in Romans 14:13, "Therefore, let us stop passing judgement on one another, instead make up your mind not to put  a stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way."

I guess it goes back to the sliver and the beam in the eye.  Today will be a day to re-think my categorical "judgments".  One thing I know I can trust:  The Holy One will surely point them out as He is convicting and correcting me.

I see that my "fears" cause me to judge.  My fears that those I love are not where I think they should be in their faith reflects judgment, as if they are unacceptable.  My fears that drive me to self- condemnation and self-pity reflects judgment, as if I am unacceptable.  My fears of what is happening circumstantially all around me reflects judgement, as if the Sovereignty of God's permissive will is unacceptable.

Rather than go with the "fears"  into judgment, the Holy One made it clear that I must repent, and get rid of the fear that leads me into other sin.  Then it dawns on me.   Through fear and judgment, I put "conditions" on love, accepting and giving love "conditionally".

To find righteous judgment, I must go back to the standard, not myself, but my Christ, not my opinions, but the Word of God.  And there, I must draw upon the grace and love of the Holy One within. Jesus said that He did not come to judge the world but to save it.

"Let no debt remain outstanding but the continuing debt to love one another." Roman 13:8.. There is no fear in love,  I John 4:18, "But perfect love drives out fear."

At the bottom line, what the Holy One is really showing me is much deeper than fear or judgments. What He is after really boils down to unconditional love.  I know that I cannot generate it in and of myself, that is His job and role.  But what I must do is remove the obstacles and the "stinkin thinkin" that stand in His way.

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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