The battle rages and it surely takes it's toll. I wake up today with back pain. Over the years, I have had to admit, I live with tension. Tension that is visible and obvious to me. The way I sleep is a good indicator of my anxiety. Sometimes, I find myself in a round ball of tense muscles, reluctant to accept the peaceful relief that the Lord designed in sleep.
The Spirit calls me today to deal with my "inner man".
I have had pain episodes in the past and God has mercifully healed them all. I have been pain free most of my life and relatively unconscious of my physical body. I praise Him for that.
The human body is a magnificent work of Creative Genius. It is designed to function as a housing for our spirit and soul from cradle to grave and then transform into a glorious eternally enduring new "thing". I say, "thing" because it is so beyond our comprehension & description, words cannot define it. But for now, the body is a tent to care for as the dwelling place of Holiness....our "temple".
I am a firm believer in Divine Health and Divine Healing. There are too many scriptures that confirm God's special attention to the physical needs we have and our ability to trust Him to meet those needs. When "accidents" are absent but even then, God oversees our entire being to include health and healing. From Old Testament to New Testament, the accounts of God's healing power and willingness to heal us are abundant.
Today I am so aware of that pain in my back, the sciatica, the nerve that runs from lower back down the legs. Time to seek my Healer.
I am also a firm believer in the physical effects that our thinking brings to bear on our bodies. The world sees it as mind over matter and challenges us to "forget about it", "focus on something else". When that doesn't work, we seek a Dr. and he gives us a pill to bring temporary relief. But that, for me, is like unplugging the red "check engine" light in your car. It doesn't find and fix the problem, it just ignores the warning.
I have been choosing to unplug the red "check engine" light, pop a "relief" pill on some days and just "suck it up" on others. Forget about it and it will go away. WRONG!
The Holy One calls me this today because He loves me. He calls to all of us because He loves us.
He calls to me to check on my "stinkin' thinkin'". "Stinkin' thinkin'" is what the enemy sends into our thoughts; lies, unbelief, faithlessness. The "stinkin' thinkin'" is so powerful it affects our health and interrupts our body's ability to heal.
God's Holy Word is our instruction manual for the care and keeping of our life...the great gift He has given each one of us. Embodied in His Word are the instructions to enable us to live healthy productive lives. We are exhorted to forgive one another and even our enemies. We are to rid ourselves of malice, fear, anger. We are to love unconditionally and laugh liberally for laughter is good for our bones, which is the place our body builds up our internal immunity. The fruit of His Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control, all the elements for good living.
Today, He calls me to talk about my back pain as the Great Physician that He is. For some, the Holy One brings instant healing & relief. For others, He brings a time work through Dr.'s and treatments. In my life He has used both. But in all cases, the beginning of healing was to sit under His great wisdom to unearth the core/cause of the problem as it relates to my attitude & thinking and then seek for His resolution.
My healing glorifies the God of all Glory, Jesus Christ. It is the physical evidence of His power and love. It provides a testimony to be shared. I take the responsibility to seek the restoration of my physical well being, in glory to His indwelling Presence. So I must seek the wisdom of the Healer and ask, "How do you, Lord, want to be glorified in this situation?"
Some pain is allowed for our instruction. Some pain is allowed for glorious miraculous healing. Some pain is allowed for eternal understanding awaiting explanation, to identify with the cross of our Beloved Savior. Whatever the "allowance" in His Divine Sovereignty, the pain is better suffered in the counsel room of the Holy One.
Today the Spirit is calling me into His counsel room. What is your pain today? Physical? Emotional? Relational? Spiritual? Perhaps you are pain-free. The counsel room is also available to sit in praise and worship for your "blessing" and to hear what He would like to have you do with your vitality.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
Friday, April 16, 2010
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