The Holy One calls me today with a blast of excitement. He is taking me into greater depths of understanding my purpose and His plan.
It's not like we ever arrive at a place where we have perfect understanding but there are those days and seasons where suddenly the random dots on the board of our life begin to be connected and take the shape of an intricate picture before our very eyes.
The Holy one has been about His business. He is, after all, the Spirit of Truth.
This has been a season of discovery. I have been in a school of sorts, where the Holy One has been teaching me about Himself; His role in the Trinity and His role in my life.
I cried out for wisdom (Prov 1,2,3,& 4). I have been pursuing it as a pearl of great price, and I am receiving the blessing that wisdom from the Holy One brings, as in Matt 13:44. I say this in all humility of heart because all the "intelligence of the human mind" can never bring the outrageous understanding of the ways of God or the peace of heart in knowing the Savior in such an intimate way.
As I pursued wisdom, at some point I got swallowed up in eternity. Time and space are not as urgent as they once were. I see through the glass darkly, yet I "see" more now than I ever have. The "clock" has slowed to accommodate my human failures and allowed me the time to learn and then re-do the tests.
I started as in "kindergarten" with simple things. The Holy One is such a patient teacher. But the truth is that He started teaching me like a loving parent before I even realized I was in school. Once the foundation of His indwelling Presence got layed, He has been setting more and more blocks into my faith wall. With each brick came lessons that taught me the fact that He is reliable.
Testimony after testimony, brick after brick, faith building trials that ended in His Divine intervention and glorious victory. The beauty of our relationship with Holiness, it is that we never arrive at the place where He is not our most desperate need. Knowing our need and His loving willingness to fill it fuels our deepest desire for more.
The enemy has a counterfeit for this and it is called "addiction". So you can call me addicted. I am. I am addicted to the love of my Savior. I am addicted to the sound of His voice. I am addicted to the thrill of life as His Bride. Hopelessly and helplessly addicted.. But unlike the counterfeit, this addiction is the best thing for me; body, mind, soul and spirit. it has no down-side.
Once you have tasted of His love, there can be no other to satisfy the longing of your heart. The Holy One wants to infect all of us with the love of Christ. There is no one ever born of women that He would not delight to inhabit.
Are you addicted too?
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
Thursday, April 29, 2010
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