The Holy One calls to me this morning. We are preparing another annual celebration of the Birth of the Savior of the world. I cannot help but wonder if this year, 2018, will be the very last year we are privileged to celebrate His birth here on earth.
My thoughts are on those who crossed the finish line of this temporal existence we call "life" before this Christmas. Most didn't realize they would be ushered into the Presence of the One who came, lived and then laid down His earth life for them. Eternity is truly only a heartbeat away for any one of us.
With this world and all it's problems growing darker and more hopeless by the day, the thought of His return is most comforting. I am consciously aware of the sweet Presence of the Holy One. He always helps me arrange the pieces of my life experience and understand where they fit together. The pleasant, the hard, even the "random pieces have a place in the mosaic of my life.
I am thankful for my wonderful Counselor and would not want to open my eyes to a day here without Him. I know He has called me into our love relationship and all I had to do was say "yes". Is there any greater gift than the Holy Spirit of my Savior? NO, nothing trumps His presence in my life, and I am grateful.
The New Year is approaching and it is appropriate to take a look back over the past year with all it's ups and downs, joys and sorrows. I have experienced a year of more grace than I ever could have imagined. It was hard, and I know the trials are not over yet. Trials are part of the human experience and will continue until the Lord returns or calls us home.
The Holy waits for me to form the questions that only He can answer. Under the weight of every trial I ask Him, "How did I survive? I mean really. And how can face what is not resolved in the problems I see today or the trials that have yet to unfold?"
Then comes that long, long, seemingly endless moment of silence. How can a second of earth time be so loaded with cascading thoughts barraging the human mind? "Stupid just got to figure this one out yourself...there's no answer to that...what's the matter with you anyway?"
There is always an antagonist trying to separate me from the Holy One. Whether it's the enemy of my soul AKA Satan, or the flesh still under the curse of the fall. Subtle interference, static on my line.
Then the Holy One speaks and puts an end to the confusion. "In every trial and every temptation, there lays a reason to praise God. Focus on that and the trial will become quite manageable."
I look back over the last year and realize the wisdom and the explanation of my survival. The Holy One set my heart and mind to praise God when I was not sure if I could take my next breath.
The ancient Psalmist knew the secret the Holy One shares with me:
Psalm 146, "Praise the Lord, oh my soul
I will praise the Lord all my life
I will sing praises to my God as long as I live"
And Paul, offers us the same secret in his letter to the Hebrews,
Hebrews 13:15, "Through Jesus Christ, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that confess His Name."
And again, Peter writes more of the same wisdom,
I Peter 4:12, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice (as in praise) that you participate in the suffering of Christ that you may be overjoyed when His Glory is revealed".
The Peace of the Holy One floods my mind and the weights begin to lift.
For me, the pain of loss was over-ruled by the praise and joy that I will see him (them) again because of our Savior and the Cross He bore.
In the heart wrenching sorrow of watching those I love go through hard and painful trials, I can rejoice and praise Him, knowing that the Lord, my God holds them in the palm of His hand and will use, in His masterful and Sovereign plan, each detail for their eternal best and His Great Glory.
The Holy One has provided me with a picture: Each trial has a door between me and the storehouse of God's Blessings (the resolution and comfort) that I need and desire. There is a lock and there is a key.
What is the key that turns the lock that opens the door to the storehouse of His blessings?
Today He has whispered in my ear "It's praise!"
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
My thoughts are on those who crossed the finish line of this temporal existence we call "life" before this Christmas. Most didn't realize they would be ushered into the Presence of the One who came, lived and then laid down His earth life for them. Eternity is truly only a heartbeat away for any one of us.
With this world and all it's problems growing darker and more hopeless by the day, the thought of His return is most comforting. I am consciously aware of the sweet Presence of the Holy One. He always helps me arrange the pieces of my life experience and understand where they fit together. The pleasant, the hard, even the "random pieces have a place in the mosaic of my life.
I am thankful for my wonderful Counselor and would not want to open my eyes to a day here without Him. I know He has called me into our love relationship and all I had to do was say "yes". Is there any greater gift than the Holy Spirit of my Savior? NO, nothing trumps His presence in my life, and I am grateful.
The New Year is approaching and it is appropriate to take a look back over the past year with all it's ups and downs, joys and sorrows. I have experienced a year of more grace than I ever could have imagined. It was hard, and I know the trials are not over yet. Trials are part of the human experience and will continue until the Lord returns or calls us home.
The Holy waits for me to form the questions that only He can answer. Under the weight of every trial I ask Him, "How did I survive? I mean really. And how can face what is not resolved in the problems I see today or the trials that have yet to unfold?"
Then comes that long, long, seemingly endless moment of silence. How can a second of earth time be so loaded with cascading thoughts barraging the human mind? "Stupid just got to figure this one out yourself...there's no answer to that...what's the matter with you anyway?"
There is always an antagonist trying to separate me from the Holy One. Whether it's the enemy of my soul AKA Satan, or the flesh still under the curse of the fall. Subtle interference, static on my line.
Then the Holy One speaks and puts an end to the confusion. "In every trial and every temptation, there lays a reason to praise God. Focus on that and the trial will become quite manageable."
I look back over the last year and realize the wisdom and the explanation of my survival. The Holy One set my heart and mind to praise God when I was not sure if I could take my next breath.
The ancient Psalmist knew the secret the Holy One shares with me:
Psalm 146, "Praise the Lord, oh my soul
I will praise the Lord all my life
I will sing praises to my God as long as I live"
And Paul, offers us the same secret in his letter to the Hebrews,
Hebrews 13:15, "Through Jesus Christ, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that confess His Name."
And again, Peter writes more of the same wisdom,
I Peter 4:12, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice (as in praise) that you participate in the suffering of Christ that you may be overjoyed when His Glory is revealed".
The Peace of the Holy One floods my mind and the weights begin to lift.
For me, the pain of loss was over-ruled by the praise and joy that I will see him (them) again because of our Savior and the Cross He bore.
In the heart wrenching sorrow of watching those I love go through hard and painful trials, I can rejoice and praise Him, knowing that the Lord, my God holds them in the palm of His hand and will use, in His masterful and Sovereign plan, each detail for their eternal best and His Great Glory.
The Holy One has provided me with a picture: Each trial has a door between me and the storehouse of God's Blessings (the resolution and comfort) that I need and desire. There is a lock and there is a key.
What is the key that turns the lock that opens the door to the storehouse of His blessings?
Today He has whispered in my ear "It's praise!"
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?