Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Clash of Kingdoms***

The Spirit draws me today into a "Heavenly Perspective". He has been training me in my quiet times and even throughout the day to pray according to the model prayer given by the Lord Jesus before He returned to His place of Divine authority in Heaven.

I see how important the "Lord's Prayer" is in understanding "how" to pray but now I am moved to see "why". Matt 6:9-13,

Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed be Your Name
Honor, respect, reverence, and relationship is revealed in those words.

Your Kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven

We belong to another Kingdom than the one we presently reside in. The kingdoms of earth established by men have risen and fallen throughout the course of the history of man's days upon the earth.

When Jesus was born over 2,000 years ago, something amazing took place. The kingdoms of men got invaded. Jesus birth was nothing less than an invasion by the King of our Heavenly Kingdom and there has been a clash of kingdoms ever since.

As believers, we have the Word of God and the Prophetic Word of "Revelation" included, that we know and trust will come to pass in God's timing. But even knowing that the earth will some day be completely renovated when Jesus Christ returns to take up His place of rule does not exempt us from continuing to do our part in what our King began so long ago during "The Great Invasion".

We ever live as citizens from another world. When Jesus walked the earth, He commissioned His Disciples to preach, "The Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, drive out demons". The continuation of His commission in Matt 10:7-39 reveals the war He declared on earth, what we will encounter and what we might expect to see in this clash of kingdoms.

Important to remember, we do not continue this invasion without the King's authority, support, resources and protection, which is why the model prayer is so important to our success and victory in this clash of kingdoms. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.....on earth as it is in Heaven!

Our Heavenly Kingdom is nothing like the earth realm. The Kingdom of Heaven is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise suffocating furnace. Broken things are made new; hearts, lives, bodies, relationships. Our Heavenly kingdom represents all that is good and a fulfillment of all we need in life here and for all eternity.

Consider what our King revealed during His first appearance that is to be our model and goal as we live our lives in this temporal earthly kingdom. So much can be said here and now but I leave that to the Holy Spirit to reveal to the reader as He calls each one of us personally to Himself.

Kingdom rules apply to it's citizens and so do all the Kingdom benefits. Jesus never took up dual citizenship. His loyalty was to His Heavenly Father. We must always be loyal to our Father, our King and our Heavenly Kingdom never to take up duel citizenship or forget to whom and under whose authority we belong.
To our Father we pray:

Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven

But all that must start with a "Heavenly Perspective" during this clash of kingdoms here on earth.

The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

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