Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jesus is King!

Today, the Spirit reminds me that my Lord and my Savior is also my King. Here in America we don't operate under the authority of a King and therefore may have a problem understanding the Sovereignty of a King's rule in His Kingdom.

The King's will is not up for discussion, debate or a vote. His authority is final and while He may give audience to those in His kingdom, His authority requires allegiance and submission by all His loyal subjects.

Those under His rule experience the blessings of His Kingdom and when the King is righteous and powerful, the people enjoy great peace and victory.

The Holy Spirit has encouraged me to pray in all matters the prayer our Saviour taught us to pray in Matt 6:9-11:

Our Father, who art in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name

Thy Kingdom come

Thy will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven does have a King, His name is Jesus. He is the Father's Son. If we are citizens of that great Kingdom, we must acknowledge our King in all ways.

We who live on this side of the Cross, have a different mandate than those who lived before Jesus came as the suffering Messiah. Jesus is now seated on His Heavenly Throne as King. Our mandate is to share the great news of the Kingdom of Heaven and the love of the One who rules and reigns from there as He modeled through His life and time here on earth.

The Kingdom of heaven is beyond our scope and comprehension but can be described as a paradise where all that is good, lovely, and supportive of our entire being is provided. Jesus came to show us His Kingdom and the Father of all creation. But the Kingdom of Heaven is not for everyone. Matt 7:21. It is only for those who come to love and acknowledge and submit to the King and the Father who sent Him.

All are invited to become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven but some will refuse because they do not care to be under the authority of the King or subject to His rule.

Today I am convicted because I am here to represent my King and my Kingdom. I am here to see what this world of people needs that my Kingdom and my King can provide. I am here as a servant and loyal subject of my King to do what He did when He came the first time, and to show people what His Heavenly Kingdom is all about as a form of encouragement for them to become part of the Kingdom of Heaven too.

In my own strength this is impossible but the Spirit has been sent by my King to facilitate His will through me.

My King, may the Spirit find me a loyal subject ready to help advance our Kingdom on earth and do Your will as it is being done in Heaven.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

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