The Spirit is calling and today He reminded me of a conversation we had a long time ago. I am thankful that the Spirit reminds us of lessons we may have forgotten or been tempted to ignore.
Sometimes the reminders come in the form of having to go around the mountain one more time like the Israelites had to circle Mt. Sinai in their wilderness experience due to rebellion and disobedience. Lessons refused translate to more "opportunities" to obey. (I.E. more trials of the same sort until we come into agreement with God)
But sometimes the reminders come in the form of a flash back to important truth, spoken previously, to comfort our weary minds and hearts. Today came one such reminder.
A while ago the Spirit told me about myself....He said, "you trust Me but you don't trust My ways". While that may seem like a contradiction, He took me back to the Word and the account of Lazarus, Mary and Martha on the event of Lazarus' death in John 11.
Mary and Martha had sent for Jesus when their beloved brother was sick. They were devastated that He failed to come in time to heal their brother. Lazarus was dead....good and dead.....when Jesus finally arrived. They trusted Jesus to do what He had previously done for others as God and didn't understand this "betrayal". But for them, the Lord had something greater in mind.
Their ultimate desire was to have their brother back. They wanted him healed and returned to his place and role in their lives. God's desire was the very same thing. The only difference was in the way God planned to accomplish it.
We trust God in the ultimate sense, but then falter when His ways are unclear and our desires or desperate needs are postponed. Mary and Martha wanted and expected a healing to restore their brother. The Lord wanted and delivered a resurrection. His ultimate provision was exactly what they desired, but God's way was unfamiliar to them and required a greater trust.
As I face the days of uncertainty and waiting for resolutions and answers to my heart's desires, am I willing to trust in His ways as I ultimately trust Him? "For my ways are so much higher than your ways" says the Lord in Isaiah 55: 8-9.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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