I have been many days since posting the last blog. The Spirit calls every day but my days have been so full of wrestles that I haven't been able to post all He has had to say to me. The closer we walk with the Lord the harder the evil one fights to separate us from our Leader.
I pray you have heard Him call and experienced the riches of fellowship with the Holy Spirit yourself during this time of joy and celebration of the birth of our Savior.
We are almost at the end of yet another year and one year closer to the coming our our King in His Glory. We can rejoice that the days of our troubles are almost over and our unfathomable eternity will be revealed. But there is still work to be done, lost souls to be found, and even warnings to be delivered for those who have fallen away.
Today the Spirit warns.
The world is spinning out of control and the gauntlet has been laid out. Will we, who have tasted that the Lord is good, be faithful? Within the body of Christ there is much that is grievous to His Spirit. Adultery, divorce, immorality, compromise. The list of outrageous failure within the Body of Christ is long and we have grown apathetic. Where is the conviction? Where is the humility and where is the repentance?
Today the Spirit calls me to read Ezekiel 3:16-21 with fear and trembling. I am accountable for my own failure to repent and turn as the Spirit reveals sin in me. But this passage takes my accountability to an uncomfortable place....to confront another with their sin...and warn them.
This is something we would much rather not read and not have to be responsible to obey. But it is in the Word and must be studied and if we are true to our Lord, obeyed.
All of us are capable of sin...the flesh is not yet made perfect. There are sins that we have no business pointing out in another unless we are invited by them to do so. But there are sins that lead to death and this passage tells us that we are accountable to warn the ones at risk. This takes great wisdom and we must be under the control of the Holy Spirit when we undertake to warn.
What does it take to warn those heading to divorce without cause outlined in scripture. The destruction of the family is evil in the eyes of the Lord.. What does it take to warn those involved in immoral behavior. Immorality is evil in the eyes of the Lord. What does it take to warn those involved in adultery? Breaking of our vows in marriage is evil in the eyes of the Lord.
We have become so afraid of stepping on toes and losing friendships that we fail to see our own accountability before God to warn. Ezekiel clears this up. If you do not warn the wicked or speak up to dissuade him from his evil action, he will die for his sin and "I will hold you accountable for his blood". vs 18 "But if you warn him and he does not turn from his wickedness or his evil ways he will die but you will save yourself." The passage even speaks of a righteous man who turns from his righteousness needing to be warned and our responsibility to speak out the warning.
These are treacherous times. Temptations come from all directions and few rely on God's Word for their decision making wisdom. The lines get cloudy and situational ethics prevail. Now is the time for all of us who call ourselves "Believers" to draw close to the Lord through His Spirit...listen for and to the warnings He gives to us personally and for others, then to speak out to warn those who are at risk....Love warns...
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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Humanity's Dominion
Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God. The Holy One calls me to ...

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In these difficult days comes an evil remedy for all the hurt and pain being inflicted on God's imagers. We are under assault by a wick...
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