It has been said that repentance is really to have a change of mind... By that definition, the closer I get in that intimacy with the Holy Spirit, the more I change my mind about the way I have thought about most things. I do repent for the carnal mindset, once the Spirit begins to reveal Truth and gives me the Mind of Christ from which to think.
Our perspective must change as we tap into the Mind of Christ and it only takes a little reading of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to prove the point.
From the Mind of Christ there is nothing impossible in this life. Jesus came to show us the Father and the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven becomes ours once we accept Jesus Christ as our King.
From our perspective on earth, there are all kinds of impossible things, however in the Kingdom of Heaven all that is different. In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no sickness, disease, blindness, poverty or death. When Jesus came and confronted those things we judge as impossible, things changed:
Jesus fed the multitude with a young boy's lunch. John 6:8-13
Jesus paid his taxes with a coin recovered from the mouth of a fish. Matt 17:24-27
Jesus restored or actually gave sight to a man born blind. John 9:1-8
Jesus even raised Lazarus from the dead. John 11:43
Jesus, through His life and ministry opened our minds to a whole new view of our life and trials here. Our circumstances can be our undoing or our circumstances can be the doorway to a whole new life where the miraculous intersects with and governs our world.
The early church was focused on the resurrected life of our King and their "heavenly" perspective rocked their world. They actually believed Jesus when He said, "greater things will you do...." John 14:11-14. But it all begins with perspective made available to us through and because the Holy Spirit will give us the "Mind of Christ" if we ask.
My desire is to have the Mind of my Christ; to think His thoughts about every situation I encounter every day. I long to live with the Kindgom mentality that sees nothing as impossible.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?