Monday, November 30, 2009


When the Spirit speaks, it's interesting how the same situations can look so different. It's all about perspective.

It has been said that repentance is really to have a change of mind... By that definition, the closer I get in that intimacy with the Holy Spirit, the more I change my mind about the way I have thought about most things. I do repent for the carnal mindset, once the Spirit begins to reveal Truth and gives me the Mind of Christ from which to think.

Our perspective must change as we tap into the Mind of Christ and it only takes a little reading of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to prove the point.

From the Mind of Christ there is nothing impossible in this life. Jesus came to show us the Father and the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven becomes ours once we accept Jesus Christ as our King.

From our perspective on earth, there are all kinds of impossible things, however in the Kingdom of Heaven all that is different. In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no sickness, disease, blindness, poverty or death. When Jesus came and confronted those things we judge as impossible, things changed:

Jesus fed the multitude with a young boy's lunch. John 6:8-13

Jesus paid his taxes with a coin recovered from the mouth of a fish. Matt 17:24-27

Jesus restored or actually gave sight to a man born blind. John 9:1-8

Jesus even raised Lazarus from the dead. John 11:43

Jesus, through His life and ministry opened our minds to a whole new view of our life and trials here. Our circumstances can be our undoing or our circumstances can be the doorway to a whole new life where the miraculous intersects with and governs our world.

The early church was focused on the resurrected life of our King and their "heavenly" perspective rocked their world. They actually believed Jesus when He said, "greater things will you do...." John 14:11-14. But it all begins with perspective made available to us through and because the Holy Spirit will give us the "Mind of Christ" if we ask.

My desire is to have the Mind of my Christ; to think His thoughts about every situation I encounter every day. I long to live with the Kindgom mentality that sees nothing as impossible.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

In The Last Days......*

The Spirit calls me on this day to be thankful, and then reminds me of the Father's great promise recorded in Joel 2:28 and again in Acts 2:17:
In the last days, God says, 
I will pour out my Spirit on all people
Your sons and daughters will prophesy
your young men will see visions
your old men will dream dreams
even on my servants both men and women
I will pour out my Spirit.

I doubt that any who know God's Word and see what is going on around the world would argue that these are not the last days spoken of by the Prophets of old. The collapse of societies everywhere speaks to the reality that our times are coming to an end.

This means that time is short for the salvation of the lost. The stakes are high: lost souls yet to find their way into the Kingdom of God. It is God's unfailing mercy that He is willing to pour out His Spirit and give evidence of Himself though supernatural signs and wonders to the unbelieving world.

So, I listen with eager ears to what the Spirit is saying to me. I am compelled to desperately seek the spiritual gifts promised and now confident that these are the days and times when a "spirit filled", supernatural walk with the Lord is not only possible but necessary to fulfill God's purpose for those of us with the privilege of being alive at this great, grand finale of man's days upon the earth. This is a time of the final harvest and we have been chosen to participate in it.

I speak to a lot of God's people and we all seem to be full of the same desire: to know and operate in our Spiritual gifts, under the anointing by the Holy Spirit that can only come from our Heavenly Father.

God is speaking to all of us who believe and His Spirit is calling for us to walk in the fullness of our potential. Our gifts strengths and talents are given for such a time as this. But to have the power and authority and anointing necessary for us to glorify our Father and our Lord, and to share His Gospel unto the salvation of the lost, we must be under the control of His Holy Spirit.

Today, I praise God and thank Him for His Holy Spirit who speaks to all with an ear to hear. I praise God for what is about to take place in the Body of Christ and through the witness by His people of the miraculous signs and wonders that the Spirit of Holiness is working.

Jesus said to the unbelieving world, "even if you do not believe in my words at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves." (John 10:38) May we, the Church of the Living God, be able to speak the same word, having miracles we can point to as the evidence.

Get ready Church, for a mighty move of His Spirit. Pray that each one of us will co-operate with His Divine Will, and do our part as the Spirit desires to use each one of us and the gifts He will impart.

The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Age of Grace*

Seeking wisdom for the circumstances I find myself facing, the Spirit calls. He has been teaching me so much about His desire to manifest His gifts and His fruit through my life. But there are "rocks" in the river and He is in the process of removing them so that His ability to flow through me will not be slowed or hindered.

Today the subject is my judgment over people and the circumstances touching our lives. He told me that this is the Age of Grace. It is His Dispensation not mine and I have no right to make judgements regarding the worthiness of myself or any one else to receive His grace or to meter it out in incremental doses as I see fit. Ouch!

I was raised and steeped in legalism as a child. This stronghold was operational for years and tainted my perspective. It has created what I call the "sin-spin". Almost like a washing machine stuck on the spin cycle; the clothes are clean and the dirty water has been cycled out but the machine won't stop spinning.

I am basically useless in this "sin-spin" not able to exit and return to my original shape, now clean and made Holy. He told me that grace is the end of legalism and the end of the "sin-spin".

In the revelation of Himself, I see that He is both Truth and Grace. I must know both as they are important to each other. Truth identifies sin and Grace forgives it. He is the Spirit of Truth sent into the world to convict us and bring us to repentance, but He is also the Spirit of Grace who forgives us completely once Truth has been received and sin repented for.

Legalism brings judgment of myself and others. While this may be "truth" in the revelation of sin, if I don't accept and apply grace, I am not capable of sharing the Gospel for the Gospel is the "good news" of God's love and forgiveness.

Jesus said, "I did not come to judge the world but to save it" John 12:47. If my Lord came with this mission mandate, how can I operate in any different a manner toward the people He places in my life each day.

I desperately need to be filled with the Spirit who has called for this Dispensation of Grace, in order to well serve Him in these final days when it is so easy to judge and call for God's wrath.The Spirit is willing to take over, stop the "sin spin" and manifest His grace through me. I confess my weakness and I know He will be my strength. The journey with Jesus can be more difficult when we fail to grasp this truth.   I am so thankful for it. 

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Worthy Words*

The Spirit is calling me to accountability today. He spoke into our morning conference, "The tongue has the power of life and death" Proverbs 18:21. "With our tongue we praise our Lord and Father and with it we curse men who have been made in God's likeness." James 2:9.

The way of the Spirit is love and the expression of His love comes through well chosen words as well as well chosen deeds. Worthy words are priceless to the hearer. Even brutal truth can be delivered well when under the Divine control of the Holy Spirit.

But do I surrender to the control of the Spirit over my words?

I am convicted that even though I am walking the earth with the fullness of Christ indwelling my heart, my mouth runs a course that is far from the Holiness within my heart of hearts.

I come under the refiner's fire knowing and hearing the corruption evidenced in my words. I come to repentance for the worthless words of yesterday. I realize that only the Holy Spirit can tame the tongue and then, only if I allow Him the control switch.

Worthless words create division and fuel the enemy in so many ways. I truly desire that all my words be worthy not worthless, and useful for building up and not tearing down. It is imperative that I keep a tight rein on my tongue if I am to be Christ's ambassador to the world but even and especially to fellow believers.

Today is a new day. Help me Holy Spirit, to be slow to speak and look for the Holy expressions of your love in and through the choice of my words.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Importance of Praise and Worship*

Yesterday was a hard day. The battle was raging and I got caught in the crossfire. Ever feel like that? When the bombs are going off all around you and the fierceness of the battle becomes so apparent that you don't quite know how to process all that is happening.

The Spirit calls me to Himself this morning to teach me another lesson about the importance of praise and worship.

Wisdom speaks. "Since the beginning of man's days upon the earth, the devil has targeted humans because you are made in the very image of your God. The war the devil has declared against God is being fought in this realm in an effort to destroy the love relationship you might otherwise have with your Beloved Creator."

His strategy is to infect us with doubt. The devil orchestrates circumstances that represent our trials to try to defeat us in our faith walk. He lines up agents of darkness to carry out evil assignments against us, all with the intention to get us to doubt; God's love, God's help and deliverance, even God's existence.

But we are not to be ignorant of his schemes and the Lord has a Heavenly strategy to combat such evil and restore Divine order and control to our lives.

The strategy is simple and anyone can use it if only we would remember. Heaven's strategy is simple; praise and worship is a weapon designed to defeat the evil one. Praise and worship poured out to our Holy God defies doubt. There can be no "doubt" while we are in the place of praise and worship even if we do not understand things at the moment.

Praise and worship of our God disarms the enemy because his whole effort is aimed at creating division between us and our Heavenly Father. Praise and worship demonstrates unity between us and the Lord that is demonstrated in no other way. There is faith in "praise" and trust in "worship" that the enemy cannot get past.

Praise and worship is an act of faith in the midst of an assault that will route the enemy and destroy his agenda over our lives. God moves through the faith of His people. The greatest demonstration of our faith is in our praise and worship of the One who is worthy even, and especially while in the thicket of the battle.

Each and every day I must remember to praise and worship Him. To God be all Glory and Honor and Praise and Worship!

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thy Kingdom Come!

I love how the Holy Spirit gives me the liberty to just meander as we walk together. I truly understand on days like today, and yesterday and the day before, how the purpose is in the journey not just the destination.

We have been meandering through many meadows of truth for the last few days and the input has been amazing but also overwhelming to my finite mind.

The Holy Spirit has been correcting my thinking on a myriad of subjects not the least of which has been the subject of the economy in the world we wake up to every morning.

With all the "bad news" and fear for our economic future on planet earth, I am thankful that the topic is not out of bounds or unimportant to our God. I am thankful that the Spirit has answers for the tangible as well as the spiritual issues we have to deal with every day.

It is our blessing and privilege to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and the righteousness of our Heavenly Father, so that "then" all the other things that we need here on earth will be given as well. Matt 6:33.

I have come to realize that poverty is not so much about lack of money but more about lack of faith.

As I seek the "Kingdom of Heaven", I see the true picture is one of great abundance. There is no such thing as poverty in our Father's Kingdom. There is no such thing as an unmet need. And Jesus, Himself, taught us to pray, "Our Father in Heaven, Hollowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done."

If our Father's Kingdom is one of abundant resources and Jesus told us to pray "Thy Kingdom come", why do we prefer to wallow in fear of poverty rather than pray, "Thy Kingdom come" with all it's benefits, and not just money, but also health and healing and deliverance from the vice grip of evil....etc. Why do we believe the lies that somehow God's Kingdom is only about things we can't touch or don't need here?

There is a difference between seeking first the kingdom of Babylon when finances become the big issue of our lives. The kingdom of Babylon presents a worldly perspective that is never ever going to give us victory because it has been built by an enemy who wants us forever in his control. He is a liar and unbelief results in our believing his lies in instead of Truth. Might this explain why we fail to have the faith to believe for our abundant life here?

Seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven involves being changed from an earthly mindset to a Heavenly one, from a temporal mindset to an Eternal one. It's the LOVE of money not the need or use of it that is the root of all evil.

Our Heavenly Kingdom has all the resources for an abundant life. May we learn to pray with a pure heart, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." And then give all Glory to the One who opens the floodgates of Heaven in answer to that prayer.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Master's Way

The tyranny of the urgent tries to impose it's rule over my life this morning. The Spirit calls and now there is a conflict. Do I answer the call of the Spirit or answer the demands of the urgent?

How many days start and even end like this? While the urgent claims it cannot wait, today I will put that claim to the test. I choose to answer the call of the Spirit and devote the time to Him.

This is what He says, "Each and every circumstance in life has been Divinely orchestrated within the context of God's Sovereignty." I ask, "Even the urgent that would draw me away?" He says, "Yes, just like this morning."

Then He begins to show me the purpose in this challenge. "Are you not a bond slave of Christ; bound to do His Will?" Roman 1:6. Suddenly I see how the tyranny of the urgent hammers me into spontaneous reactions or worse, spontaneous combustion, an explosion, where God's goals and purposes rarely get accomplished or fulfilled.

As a bond slave, my job is to look for the goal, purpose, lesson, directive to obey, warning to observe in every situation and to flow with it as Christ within would direct. Truly this takes time with the Master and a necessary slow down which explains why busy-ness is such an enemy.

Within this lesson there lies a picture of a bond slave so attached to the Master, so acquainted with His ways that the bond slave knows how the Master would handle every situation. Then, to have the confident assurance that as he responds in the Master's way, every opportunity to react or serve will result in the Master's goals being achieved.

Every day the choice is mine. Today I pray, "Lord please obliterate the ungodly responses within me; the temptation to react to the urgent in any way other than to insist on a slow down, so that Christ within can speak to each and every situation that comes, in the "Master's way."

The choice is mine, the choice is yours.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Invitation

It's 4:00 A.M. The battle rages. Every day the battle rages. The sun is about to rise and in one way or another I will have to go face my Goliath. But for now, I am at peace in the place of meeting with my Creator, His Son and His Spirit.

I confess I am a morning person, and it's not a matter of personal discipline or sacrifice on my part to make the morning meetings. In fact, I am thankful that the Lord accommodates my body rhythms and calls me to Himself when I am at my best in terms of mental, emotional and physical alertness.

Today the Spirit calls and I try to listen. He challenges me this morning to ponder my desires. My desire is to just stay here, not have to face any battle or deal with any enemy.

I ponder how He brings such contentment to my whole being. Here, I don't need any money and the "bread" and "wine" are plentiful. This place of meeting is truly a "Heavenly Place".

Then the Spirit shows me a picture. Jesus says in Rev 3:20, "Here I am. I stand at the doorway and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with Me." For those who have opened the door and then become so overwhelmed with life that they are too busy to share it with the One who gives it; For those who may have even looked around for Him and found Him gone, He is reaching out again.

In this picture, He showed me how He is going house to house slipping an invitation under every door to come meet Him in the "Heavenly Place". It's an invitation to come and share life; not just future eternity but present eternity as well.

The invitation is personal. The invitation is to become His Disciple. The invitation is to come share life as those He called when He walked the earth. The invitation is there and I readily accept it.

Have you opened yours?

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

God's Mercy Through Me***

The Spirit calls me to just ponder God's love. When I quote, "God's mercies (compassions) are new every morning" (Lamentations 3:23), I tend to place this quote in the context of encouragement for myself or others going through trials. I have seen it for the "righteous ones", those called according to His purposes, clinging to the hope that all will go well for those of "The"faith.

But today, the Spirit took me into the back room, where I can look at His mercies without the qualifying filter of my "exalted" self worth.

What I see astounds me. It makes me stand in humble awe of the God I serve.

The Spirit showed me how His great mercies extend to all flesh especially to those we classify as "unlovables" There are those people in our lives or who touch our world for a brief moment, who can be defined as "unlovable". Those people whose personalities or character repel us. We avoid them, dismiss them, guard against them and judge them.

Upon greater meditation of His mercies, I see how God continually acts in mercy. God IS mercy. His Spirit is abounding in mercy and not just for the "good guys".

Jesus said, "I did not come to judge the world but to save it." (John 12:47)

As His ambassador, it is my responsibility to act according to His character and commands. If He plainly states that He did not come to judge the world, why do I? If His mercies are new every morning then why do I not extend those mercies?

The Spirit has shown me that the "world" is a prison camp of the enemy. Those of us who know Christ have been rescued and set free. We are called to assist in the rescue of those who are still incarcerated. But if we refuse to be merciful, we are no better than the devils who are guarding them and beating them down.

Since I am a vessel who is to carry the life of Christ into the world around me, I am convicted and compelled to repent and pray: "Abba, forgive me for stopping the flow of your mercy. Open the channel of your mercies, not for me to hold only for myself but to share with the world around me. May I flow with Your great Mercy and Love for the unlovables. May all your ambassadors flow with your great Mercy and Love for the unlovables".

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In The Silence

Sometimes the Spirit gives me time to ponder what He has previously spoken. These are the days of silence from the blog.

Not that the Spirit is disengaged or inactive, but rather that His wisdom needs to be processed, applied and tested. Psalm 139:23, "Search me, oh God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts."

It's on these days when the excitement of the journey gives way to the monotony; the visual of the same landscape we seem to have passed by before. And it is here where we cannot help but wonder if we are making any progress at all.

While we would love to live on the mountaintop like Peter. We get the vision there, but at some point in time we must come to realize that the vision was given on the mountain top only to be brought into the valley to be worked and shared.

Will I be willing to come down into the valley to share what I saw? Will I get fearful, distracted, hopeless, anxious? Or will I be faithful to the Lord who gave me the vision?

"These are the days that try men's souls". (Thomas Paine)

The Spirit is calling. Do you hear Him?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

They Will Soar on Wings like Eagles!

The Spirit has a method of teaching me that involves pictures in my mind. I have always said, that, as a student, I am too dull to understand some things and I need the Lord to just draw me a picture.

God is faithful and will provide whatever we need to learn and go deeper into the Truth.

Much is going on in my life that, when viewed through the grid of self pity, almost looks like a punishment. So today the Spirit calls me to look at Hebrews 12:7, "endure hardship as discipline. God is treating you like sons" (and daughters).

That seems pretty clear and unequivocal but the Spirit knows the degree of guilt and self pity that can well up inside of me, taking a truth and tweaking it around. So He takes this opportunity to draw me a picture.

The visual I got is that of a fledgling eagle. Eagles are designed and meant to soar. But first their wings must become strong. The Spirit showed me that to strengthen my wings, the Lord has hung some rocks around my ankles, and if I keep trying to fly against the weight of the rocks, my wings will become strong.

"Endure hardship as discipline". Now I see that the "discipline" is not a punishment word due to anything I am doing wrong, but rather a training word:

Training an athlete goes through, training a scholar goes through, and training an eagle might go through. Training under weights designed to strengthen..the body, the mind, or the wings. In order for me soar to greater heights, the Lord has hung some rocks around my ankles.

Isaiah 40:31 says it best, "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

I confess my focus and attention has been on removing the rocks rather than trying to fly. Hebrews 12 exhorts me to forget the "rocks" and work on the "wings"

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Battlefield Of The Mind

Life as a Christian is a battle. We were born into a world at war. Good vs evil, light vs dark..the battle rages all the time.

I have fought many battles and learned some things about spiritual warfare. I know that the enemy uses deception and lies as his primary weapon in this war. I know that the real battlefield is the mind where we seem to be constantly assailed by the lies of evil. I know that the extent and degree to which we believe those lies is the extent and degree to which we live defeated lives.

Sin cycles and failure accompany the unbelief which really translates to the belief in a lie or in a twisting of the Truth.

Seeking wisdom and wondering why I have seen such limited victories in certain areas of my life, the Spirit revealed something I really needed to know: He said, "you know and believe that the battle belongs to the Lord, but you fail to realize that the "battlefield" belongs to Him as well." The battlefield of my mind IS His and He will give victory from this battlefield.

This is called the "renewing" of the mind. The world tells us to "educate" our minds, but the Lord tells us to "renew" our minds. The more we try to fight the battle from the human vantage points and human intelligence, the more the enemy will be able to over power us and defeat us.

In my life, I have to call this idolatry...the worship of knowledge. Romans 12:2, "do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is...His good and perfect will.

Through the renewing of the mind, the enemy cannot set foot onto this battlefield and the "battlefield" then becomes a lauch pad for God's great victory over darkness. We take every thought into captivity for the Lord Jesus Christ.

The renewal begins when we commit our minds to the Lord just as we committed our heart and bodies to Him . The Holy Spirit will then take over the battlefied. John 16:13, "But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all Truth."

Will I renew my mind or just educate it?

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Walk With The King

My Pastor exhorts us each Sunday before we leave to go out and "Walk with the King". The Holy Spirit enables us and teaches us how to do it.

This is a process and new lessons are provided for me each morning when the Spirit calls.

Today the Spirit has revealed that my "control freak" mentality leads to striving and the striving leads to disobedience. His convicting Presence leads me to the need to repent for the constant striving in my mind, but His gentle persuasion pushes me on to understand the source.

He spoke to my heart and told me that I am continually striving to find resolutions to problems I encounter in life. While the problems are designed to drive us into His arms, finding their resolution is not to become the focus of my time and energy.

To find resolutions to each and every problem that vexes me is not the Godly purpose in each day or week or month or year. The Godly purpose in each new day is to seek and find fellowship with our Creator, Savior, Lord and King. Resolutions will accompany my walk but they are not be the ultimate purpose or goal.

If I can accept and apply this truth then the problems in life will not be the source of striving, frustration or victimization.

Peace follows obedience. It is interesting how I always thought that this principle applied to "doing" rather than "being". To be in continuous surrender and fellowship to the Lord's Holy Spirit is the place where "doing" and "being" come together. ...and there is where I will find peace.

Once I get past the desperate need for "resolution" and find fellowship with the Spirit in the process, I believe I will be free to "walk with the King" and most likely see the desired resolutions flow.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Did I mention that I am a control freak? I guess the Spirit is calling me to come to terms with the problem it causes between Him and me. He has asked me to go to the Word and read the Lord's prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, Matt 26:39-42.

The familiar words that come to my mind when I remember the passage is "not as I will but as You will". In this final momentous act of submission, the Savior constrained His flesh and condemned it to death on the cross and it represents quite a message to all of us.

But today the Spirit led me to the preceding thoughts and prayers from the Son's heart to the Father's Throne. IF...begins the sentence of petition. Vs 39, "If it be possible, may this cup be taken from Me". And again in Vs 42, "If it is not possible for this cup to be taken away".

I suddenly realize how few of my petitions begin with "If". That speaks volumes to me about the degree of "self" in my petitions. Most are "Lord, please do this or send that or don't allow this or that" and the emphasis is on my understanding of the need or to offset the agony of the situation not the emphasis on the Father's will IN the need or the Glory due Him for the resolutions given according to His Will.

It's so hard to even begin to understand how my flesh enters into my prayer life but this revelation by the Holy Spirit confirms that it does and can hinder the effective prayers of a righteous person. This is a sobering reminder that without the Spirit of Christ I can do nothing.

IF, changes the control button. When I start with IF, then I am willing to accept God's will and not push for my own. When I start with IF, the Spirit can truly have His way in the situation and this is a good thing because His perspective is so much higher, wider, and eternal in it's scope than any of our own. Only the Lord knows the end from the beginning and what He is after through the circumstances of our daily lives.

I wonder what wisdom and answers will come today IF in my petitions I start with "IF "?

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Agenda or God's Purpose?

For a long time, I have been pondering the Lord's life of prayer. I wonder, "Lord, when You walked the earth, it is said that you spent such long hours in solitude and prayer, I wonder what you were praying, as God in the flesh?"

The Spirit, I believe, has been revealing some answers to that deep, deep question in my heart and mind.

This morning I woke up to the Spirit saying, "when you finally get to the end of your own agenda, you will find the beginning of My purposes in your life"!

As I process this truth, it occurs to me that I am such a control freak. Looking back over some of my life experiences, the arrows of pain and sorrow sent the message that I need to control life and insulate myself. Legalism pushed me into the place of rigid external controls.

Then, through the next volley of arrows to my heart, my agenda drove me to the opposite pole of libertine rebellion in an effort to find my own fix for the pain. As the complications of my rebellion took over, I sank deeper and deeper into the mire of a self serving agenda.

The Spirit knows and has come to lead me into all truth.

God, the Father has sovereignly orchestrated my life experiences. From an Eternal perspective, each life experience contains opportunities and is designed to perfect me, to groom me, to expose those qualities that are to be surrendered to Him for change so that I can come into the conforming image of Christ Jesus.

Self-reliance, self-defense, self-provision...all those "self" qualities of independence need to be changed in order for me to be the loyal servant and disciple of my Christ.

So, back to my wake-up call.

I believe those long hours of prayer were spent in unifying the Savior, who was contending in a flesh body, with the Father's heart and will. If we can remember the temptation Jesus faced in the wilderness, it was a deliberate attempt by Satan to get Him to depart from His original Divine Purpose; the reason God, the Father sent His only begotten Son into the World.

The enemy has a similar temptation for you and me. He uses our flesh (self) in an effort to cause us to depart from God's intended purpose for our life and follow another course. The Spirit calls me to surrender my self-serving agenda and come into unity with Him.

If I truly desire the Father's will and purpose for my life then all self-serving must end. Am I willing to exchange whatever represents my will and agenda and plan, for the greater plan and purpose that God has for me?

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...