Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Invitation

It's 4:00 A.M. The battle rages. Every day the battle rages. The sun is about to rise and in one way or another I will have to go face my Goliath. But for now, I am at peace in the place of meeting with my Creator, His Son and His Spirit.

I confess I am a morning person, and it's not a matter of personal discipline or sacrifice on my part to make the morning meetings. In fact, I am thankful that the Lord accommodates my body rhythms and calls me to Himself when I am at my best in terms of mental, emotional and physical alertness.

Today the Spirit calls and I try to listen. He challenges me this morning to ponder my desires. My desire is to just stay here, not have to face any battle or deal with any enemy.

I ponder how He brings such contentment to my whole being. Here, I don't need any money and the "bread" and "wine" are plentiful. This place of meeting is truly a "Heavenly Place".

Then the Spirit shows me a picture. Jesus says in Rev 3:20, "Here I am. I stand at the doorway and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with Me." For those who have opened the door and then become so overwhelmed with life that they are too busy to share it with the One who gives it; For those who may have even looked around for Him and found Him gone, He is reaching out again.

In this picture, He showed me how He is going house to house slipping an invitation under every door to come meet Him in the "Heavenly Place". It's an invitation to come and share life; not just future eternity but present eternity as well.

The invitation is personal. The invitation is to become His Disciple. The invitation is to come share life as those He called when He walked the earth. The invitation is there and I readily accept it.

Have you opened yours?

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

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