Friday, November 20, 2009

Worthy Words*

The Spirit is calling me to accountability today. He spoke into our morning conference, "The tongue has the power of life and death" Proverbs 18:21. "With our tongue we praise our Lord and Father and with it we curse men who have been made in God's likeness." James 2:9.

The way of the Spirit is love and the expression of His love comes through well chosen words as well as well chosen deeds. Worthy words are priceless to the hearer. Even brutal truth can be delivered well when under the Divine control of the Holy Spirit.

But do I surrender to the control of the Spirit over my words?

I am convicted that even though I am walking the earth with the fullness of Christ indwelling my heart, my mouth runs a course that is far from the Holiness within my heart of hearts.

I come under the refiner's fire knowing and hearing the corruption evidenced in my words. I come to repentance for the worthless words of yesterday. I realize that only the Holy Spirit can tame the tongue and then, only if I allow Him the control switch.

Worthless words create division and fuel the enemy in so many ways. I truly desire that all my words be worthy not worthless, and useful for building up and not tearing down. It is imperative that I keep a tight rein on my tongue if I am to be Christ's ambassador to the world but even and especially to fellow believers.

Today is a new day. Help me Holy Spirit, to be slow to speak and look for the Holy expressions of your love in and through the choice of my words.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

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