Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Master's Way

The tyranny of the urgent tries to impose it's rule over my life this morning. The Spirit calls and now there is a conflict. Do I answer the call of the Spirit or answer the demands of the urgent?

How many days start and even end like this? While the urgent claims it cannot wait, today I will put that claim to the test. I choose to answer the call of the Spirit and devote the time to Him.

This is what He says, "Each and every circumstance in life has been Divinely orchestrated within the context of God's Sovereignty." I ask, "Even the urgent that would draw me away?" He says, "Yes, just like this morning."

Then He begins to show me the purpose in this challenge. "Are you not a bond slave of Christ; bound to do His Will?" Roman 1:6. Suddenly I see how the tyranny of the urgent hammers me into spontaneous reactions or worse, spontaneous combustion, an explosion, where God's goals and purposes rarely get accomplished or fulfilled.

As a bond slave, my job is to look for the goal, purpose, lesson, directive to obey, warning to observe in every situation and to flow with it as Christ within would direct. Truly this takes time with the Master and a necessary slow down which explains why busy-ness is such an enemy.

Within this lesson there lies a picture of a bond slave so attached to the Master, so acquainted with His ways that the bond slave knows how the Master would handle every situation. Then, to have the confident assurance that as he responds in the Master's way, every opportunity to react or serve will result in the Master's goals being achieved.

Every day the choice is mine. Today I pray, "Lord please obliterate the ungodly responses within me; the temptation to react to the urgent in any way other than to insist on a slow down, so that Christ within can speak to each and every situation that comes, in the "Master's way."

The choice is mine, the choice is yours.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

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